Best Practice
The department is actively involved in engaging students for project based learning in various courses like polymer reaction engineering, materials science and engineering, chemical engineering and rubber science and technology

- As a part of RSDC training, “Specialized Training in Rubber Technology” for Final year students was arranged at Rubber Training Institute, Rubber Board, Kottayam, Kerala from 2nd January 2018 to 6th January 2018.
- In plant training was done by 3rd year students Mohammed Ali Khan, Jaffer Sathick.J for the duration of two weeks from 26th December 2017 to 8th January 2018 at “Motherson Automotive Technology and Engineering ”, Sriperumbudur.
- In plant training was done by 3rd year students Harish Kumar.M.S, Gopinath.R, Mohammed Thaseen Ahamed for the duration of two weeks from 7th July 2017 to 28th July 2017 at “Arun Plasto Moulders India Pvt Ltd”, Sriperumbudur.
- Third year students, Chandrasekhar,C. Ramanathan.P.S Vishwesh.L did In Plant Training at “Motherson Automotive Technology and Engineering”, Sri Perumbudur, from 6th – 15th July 2017.
- Two weeks in-plant training for final year students, Mr. Shabeerudin.S.H and Ms. N.Muhshina Begum was arranged during the month of July 2016 in “Motherson Automotive Technologies and Engineering” at Sriperumbudur.
- Industrial training was arranged for IInd & IIIrd Year students of PT to M/s. Apollo Tyres Ltd, during 3 – 20 June, 2014.
- Shankar Rajendra Pillay, IIIrd Year student had undergone “Inplant Training” in “Taparia Tools Ltd.” Nashik, During 5 – 15th June 2013.
- R.Syed Imran., B.Yasar Arafath, M.H.Mahmood Ali Ismail, IVth Year students had undergone Inplant training in “Esteem Polymer Products Pvt. Ltd.” during June 2013.
- M.Muthu Subramanian, IVth Year student undergone Project work in “National Chemical Labaratory” for two months during May-July 2013.
- K.R.Kaviarasan, S.Syed Arif Mideen, M.H.Mahmood Ali Ismail of IVth Year and Sudharsan N.R. of IIIrd Year, had undergone Inplant Training in “Apollo Tyres Ltd.” during Dec 2013.
- M.H.Mahmood Ali Ismail, IVth Year student had undergone Inplant Training in “Formulated Polymer Pvt. Ltd.” during June 2013.
- Ms.J.Malaivizhi and P.Sanmuga Priya, IIIrd Year students had undergone “Inplant Training” in Plastics Testing Area, CIPET during 17 – 23, Dec 2013.
- Industrial training was arranged for IInd & IIIrd Year students of PT to M/s. SMR Automotive Systems India Ltd and Apollo Tyres Ltd, during May to June, 2013.

Industrial visit