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Designation | : | Professor |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Qualification | : | B.E.,M.Tech.,PhD |
Phone | : | |
Email ID | : | gajalakshmi@byt.digital/wordpress/crescent |
Educational Qualification
Programme | Specialization | Name of the Institution | Name of the University | Month & Year of Passing |
Ph.D. | Civil Engineering | College of Engineering, Guindy | Anna University, Chennai | September 2012 |
M.Tech | Structural Engineering | IIT Madras | IIT Madras | April 2005 |
B.E. | Civil Engineering | Adhiparasakthi Engineering College | Madras University | May 2000 |
Work Experience
From | To | Position Held | Organisation | Nature of Work |
June 2000 | July 2003 | Lecturer | Sri Padmavathy Engineering College | Teaching and Research |
June 2005 | May 2009 | Lecturer | Crescent EngineeringCollege, Chennai-600048 | Teaching and Research |
April 2009 | May 2011 | Assistant Professor | B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute, Chennai-600048 | Teaching and Research |
May 2011 | December 2012 | Assistant Professor
(Senior Grade) |
B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute, Chennai-600048 | Teaching and Research |
January 2013 | Till date | Associate Professor | B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute, Chennai-600048 | Teaching and Research |
Lecture Courses
- Reinforced Concrete Structures
- Design of Bridges
- Structural Dynamics
- Structural Design (Steel & Timber)
- Structural Analysis
- Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Structures
- Advanced Concrete Technology
- Finite Element Analysis
- Steel Concrete Composite Structures
Areas of Research Interest
- Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Structural members (Beams, Columns and Beam-Column joints).
- Behaviour of Steel concrete composite members (Beams, Columns and Beam-Column joints).
- Development of analytical model for members subjected to earthquake loading
- Behaviour of Prestressed concrete beams
- Reliability based design of R.C.C. Structural Elements
- Seismic Analysis of lifeline structure with soil structure interaction
- Influence of Protective Coatings on Bond Strength Development between Steel-Concrete.
Sponsored Research (Ongoing)
S.No | Title | Agency | Period | Grant / Amount Mobilized (Rs. Lakhs) |
1. | Seismic Performance of Light weight FRP Tubular Columns (File no. : 8 – 232 / RIFD / RPS (Policy -1) / 2018 – 19, date : 20.03.2020) | Research Promotion Scheme, AICTE | From May 2020 | 2.00 |
2. | Dynamic Assessment of Corrosion Damaged RC Beams Retrofitted with Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites | Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences, Mumbai | Under Consideration | 34.00 |
Sponsored Research (Completed)
S.No | Title | Agency | Period | Grant / Amount Mobilized (Rs. Lakhs) |
1. | Seismic Performance of FRP Confined Concrete Filled Steel Tubular Columns (MoES/P.O (Seismo)/ 1(173/2013) | Ministry of Earth Sciences, New Delhi | Feb 2014 to Sep 2017 | 29.10 |
2. | Application of Bio medical waste for the development of sustainable concrete | Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology, Chennai | July 2019 to April 2020 | 0.075 |
Sponsored Research (Submitted)
S.No | Title | Agency | Grant / Amount Mobilized (Rs. Lakhs) |
1. | Development and optimization of Eco- friendly concrete by using E – plastic waste | Research Promotion Scheme, AICTE, New Delhi | 5.00 |
2. | Development of High Performance and Assessment of Green Concrete using Nano particles for Safety involved Structures | Armament Research Board, DRDO, New Delhi | 14.00 |
Inventor Name | Title | Application No. | Application Status |
Dr. J.Revathy Dr.P.Gajalakshmi Mr. Mohammed Riyaz N.A Dr.D.S.Vijayan Dr. A.Rose Enid Teresa |
New Composition and Making of Bricks from Plant-Fibres and Waste Byproducts | 202041034656 | Published |
Research Publications
International Journals
- K.K. Yaswanth, J. Revathy, P. Gajalakshmi, “Soft Computing Techniques for the Prediction and Analysis of Compressive Strength of Alkali-Activated Alumino-Silicate Based Strain-Hardening Geopolymer Composites”, Silicon, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12633-021-00988-7.
- Revathy Jayaseelan, Gajalakshmi Pandulu, Srinivasan Mahendran, “Performance of expanded polystyrene light weight self compacting concrete in composite slab”, International Journal of Applied Sciences, 1 – 12, 2021.
- Gajalakshmi Pandulu, Revathy Jayaseelan, Jemimah Thong, “Behavior of FRP wrapped concrete filled steel tubular columns”, International Journal of Applied Sciences, 393 – 403, 2020.
- Gajalakshmi P, Helena J, Revathy J, “Variable and constant amplitude testing of concrete in-filled steel tube columns”, Materials Today : Proceedings, 33(1), 320-325, 2020.
- J.Revathy, P. Gajalakshmi, P.Pavithra, “Experimental investigation on concrete filled glass fibre reinforced polymer tubular beams under flexural loading”, Materials Today : Proceedings, 33(1), 440-445, 2020.
- Irfan Ahmed, Tariq Ahmad Sheikh, P. Gajalakshmi, J. Revathy, “Study on Failure Mechanism of Multi-storeyed Reinforced Concrete Framed Structure”, Advances in Computational Design, 6 (1), 1-13, 2021.
- Gajalakshmi P, RevathyJ ,MohanaPriya, “Application of Recycled Coarse Aggregate in Steel Tubular Members”, Nature Environment and Pollution Technology, 19(2), 729-737, 2020.
- J. Revathy, P. Gajalakshmi ,Aseem Ahmed, “Flowablenano SiO2 based cementitious mortar for ferrocement jacketed column”, Materials Today : Proceedings, 22, 836 – 842, 2020.
- Gajalakshmi P, RevathyJ ,Sakthi J, “Performance of RCC Beams Laminated with Kevlar Fabric”, Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering, 14 (2), 225 – 237, 2020.
- Mohammed Umar, P. Gajalakshmi, J. Revathy, “Strength evaluation of eco-friendly concrete using Taguchi method”, Materials Today : Proceedings, 22, 937-947, 2020.
- P. Gajalakshmi, J. Revathy, V. AkshayBabu, “Performance of E-Plastic Waste in Concrete for Sustainable Built Environment”, Indian Journal of Environmental Protection, 40(1), 30-35, 2020.
- Revathy J, Gajalakshmi P, Niraimathi N, “Durability performance of nano modified green concrete for sustainable environment”, Indian Journal of Environmental Protection, 39(11), 979 – 984, 2019.
- Revathy J, Gajalakshmi P, Niraimathi N, “Potential Application of Nano Particles in Green Concrete for Sustainable Built Environment”, Pollution Research, 38 (3), 832-838, 2019.
- J. Revathy, P. Gajalakshmi, Ashwini, “Neural networks for the prediction of fresh properties and compressive strength of flowable concrete”, Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering, 13(1), 183-197, 2019.
- Revathy J, Gajalakshmi P, Sanju S , “Investigation on the Performance Characteristics Of Concrete Incorporating Nanoparticles”, Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering,13,2,351-360, 2018.
- P. Gajalakshmi,“Development of Eco-friendly concrete in corporated with E-waste” Ecology, Environment and Energy Conservation, 23, S356-S362,2017.
- P.Gajalakshmi , K.Sriram , U.Elakya “Behaviour of Interior beam column joint with FRP wrapping” Asian Journal of Civil Engineering , VOL 17 : No.08, pp. 1151-1166 ,2016.
- V. Sesha sayee , B.H. Bharat kumar and P Gajalakshmi, “Influence of fly ash on durability and performance of concrete ”, International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Vol. 9 No.3, pp. 341-46, 2016.
- U.Elakya, A.BhuvanesSre and P.Gajalakshmi , “ Study on the structural Behaviour of concrete Encased Steel Composite Members” International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Vol. 9 No.3, pp. 323-329, 2016.
- S.Aishwarya, K.Dakshayini and P.Gajalakshmi , “ Experimental Investigation on the Behaviour of Bagasse Ash Reinforced Concrete Structural Members” ” International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Vol. 9 No.3, pp. 203-207, 2016.
- K.Meenu Priya,P.Srinivasan, P.Gajalakshmi, “Experimental Study on Corrosion behavior of concrete containing Bottom Ash as Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate” Applied Mechanics and Materials , 857, pp. 88-94,2016
- P.Gajalakshmi, S.Aravind, “Investigation on the behaviour of fibre reinforced polymer wrapped concrete in-filled steel tube columns”,Applied Mechanics and Materials , 857, pp. 136-141,2016
- S.R. Shamili, P. Gandhi, S. Vishnuvardhan, P. Gajalakshmi, “Fatigue Crack Growth Studies on Rail Steel International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology” Vol. 4, Special Issue 6, pp.1777-1785,2015.
- Gajalakshmi P., Jane Helena H, “Experimental and computational study of SFRC In-filled steel circular columns under axial Compression”, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 15 No.2, pp. 231-243, 2014.
- R Ganesh Shankar and P Gajalakshmi, “Recycled Aggregate Concrete for Structural Applications: A Review”, International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Vol. 7 No.5, pp. 31-43, 2014.
- Gajalakshmi P. and Jane Helena H., “Behaviour of Concrete In-filled Steel Columns Subjected to Lateral Cyclic Loading”, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol.75, pp.55-63, 2012.
- Gajalakshmi P., Jane Helena H., and Srinivasa Raghavan, R. “Experimental Investigation on the Behavior of Concrete-filled Steel Columns”, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 13 No.2, pp. 247-256, 2012.
National Journals
- Gajalakshmi and H.Jane Helena, “Concrete In-filled Steel Tubes Under Combined Axial Load and Lateral Cyclic Load – State – of – Art Review”, Journal of Structural Engineering, 37(6), 427-433,2011.
- Gajalakshmi and Amaln K Sengupta,“Modeling of low rise shear walls for push over analysis of buildings”, Indian Concrete Journal, 80, 41-46, June 2006.
Articles / Chapters Published In Books
- Kareemunnisa Begum, P. Gajalakshmi, J. Revathy and T. Harinarayana (2020), Suitability of Fibre Reinforced Polymer Confined Concrete In-Filled Steel Tube Columns in Vulnerable Zones of Instability: A Case of Bhuj Earthquake Epicentral Zone, Gujarat, India, Book Publisher International. Print ISBN: 978-93-90431-12-0, eBook ISBN: 978-93-90431-20-5, DOI : 10.9734/bpi/ireges/v5.
International Conferences / Structural Engineering Conventions / Workshops
- K.K.Yaswanth, J.Revathy, P.Gajalakshmi, “A Review on Engineered Cementitious Composites – A Versatile Construction Material”, International Conference on Construction Materials and Smart Structures for Sustainable Development (ICCMSSSD) – 2020, ISBN : 978-93-8935-488-1, 180-190
- Yunus Mohamed, P.Gajalakshmi and P.Vasanthi “Study on engineering properties of stabilized expansive soil”, International conference on Innovative Technologies for Sustainable Built Environment, ITSBE’17, 14-16 March 2017
- R.Ganesh Shankar and P Gajalakshmi , “An Experimental Investigation of fresh and hardened properties of fly ash based glass fibre reinforced geo polymer concrete” International conference on Innovative Technologies for Sustainable Built Environment, ITSBE’17, 14-16 March 2017
- V. Sesha sayee, B.H. Bharat kumar and P Gajalakshmi , “Influence of silica fume on durability properties of concrete with fly ash”, Tenth Structural Engineering Convention, IIT Madras, 21-23, December pp.692-697, 2016
- S.R. Shamili, P. Gandhi, S. Vishnuvardhan, P. Gajalakshmi , “Fatigue Crack Growth Studies On Rail Steel”, International conference MULTICON’15,Muthayammal Engineering College, pp. 1151-1166, 2015
- Gajalakshmi, P, “Flexural Behaviour of Thin Walled Concrete Filled Steel Tubes” International Conference on Engineering Materials and Processes , pp. 270-279, Tagore Engineering College, 2013.
- R.Ganesh Shankar and P Gajalakshmi, “ Recycled Aggregate Concrete for Structural Applications”, International Conference on Ingenious Technologies and Sustainable Developments in Civil Engineering, Noorul Islam University, pp.31-34, 2014.c
- Gajalakshmi, P. and Jane Helena, H. “Experimental Behaviour of SFC Infilled Steel Circular Columns Under Axial Compression”, 10th International Conference on Advances in Steel Concrete Composite and Hybrid Structures (ASCCS 2012), National University of Singapore, Singapore, pp.290-297, 2012.
National Conferences / Seminars / Workshops
- K.K.Yaswanth, J.Revathy, P.Gajalakshmi, “Artificial Intelligence Techniques to Predict the Compressive Strength of Sustainable Eco-friendly Strain-hardening Concrete Composites”, Technical Volume of 35th Indian Engineering Congress, Theme : Engineering for Self Reliance and Sustainable Goals, The Institution of Engineers (India), December 18-20, 2020, 371 – 376
- Gajalakshmi P, Revathy J, Murasha (2019), “Investigation on the Behaviour of CFST Columns with Multi Cell Stiffener under Lateral Cyclic Loading”, Proceedings on National Conference on Advances in Structural and Construction Engineering”, ASCE -2018, 30-31 Oct 2018, pp. 87-98
- Revathy J, Gajalakshmi P, Sanju S (2019), “Experimental Investigation on the Influence Of Nano Metal Oxide Particles in Concrete”, Proceedings on National Conference on Advances in Structural and Construction Engineering”, ASCE -2018, 30-31 Oct 2018, pp. 99-109
- R.Ramyashri, G.Lekhashri,P.Gajalakshmi, “ Analytical study on the behaviour of CFRP wrapped Concrete filled steel tubes subjected to lateral loading” published in National Conference on Advancements and challenges in Civil Engineering, held at Valliammai Engineering College, Kanchipuram, on April 2015.
- Divya P, Menaka A.S, Muthukumaran M, P.Gajalakshmi, “Study on the behaviour of CFRP wrapped CFST under axial loading” published in National Conference on Advancements and challenges in Civil Engineering, held at Valliammai Engineering College, Kanchipuram, on April 2015.
- T.Vinitha, P.K.Umasha, P.Gajalakshmi, “Behaviour of Telecommunication tower subjected to wind and seismic loading” published in National Conference on Advancements and challenges in Civil Engineering, held at Valliammai Engineering College, Kanchipuram, on April 2015.
- Antony Muthu M , P.Gajalakshmi, “ Behavior of Concrete In Filled Steel Tube Columns Under Cyclic Loading”, Technological Advance in Civil Engineering, TACE 2011, B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute, Chennai, pp.467-474 , 2011.
- Sivakarunan.G, P.Gajalakshmi , “Fatigue Damage on Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete Filled Steel Tubes – Experimental Study”, Technological Advance in Civil Engineering, TACE 2011, B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute, Chennai, pp.371-383, May 2011.
- Siva Rama Krishnan, P.Gajalakshmi , “Experimental Investigation of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete Filled Steel Columns Under Cyclic Loading”, Technological Advance in Civil Engineering, TACE 2011, B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute, Chennai, 2011.
- Ram Prasad, P.Gajalakshmi, “Fatigue Behaviour of Concrete Filled Steel Tube (CFST) – Experimental Study”, Technological Advance in Civil Engineering, TACE 2011, B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute, Chennai, pp.257-268, 2011.
- A.Venkatesh, P. Gajalakshmi, “Simplified load-moment interaction curve for circular infilled steel tubes”, Trends and Advances in Civil Engineering, (TRACE 2010), B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute, Chennai, pp.581-587, 2010.
- V. Sivakumar, P. Gajalakshmi, “ Load slip behavior of concrete filled steel tubes”, Trends and Advances in Civil Engineering, (TRACE 2010), B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute, Chennai, pp.576-580, 2010.
T. Anand Babu, P. Gajalakshmi, “Analytical behavior of the circular infilled columns under lateral loading”, Trends and Advances in Civil Engineering, (TRACE 2010), B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute, Chennai, pp.587-592 ,2010. - M. Krishnaprabhu, P.Gajalakshmi, “Behaviour of circular concrete in-filled tubular (CFT) columns – Experimental study”, Trends and Advances in Civil Engineering, (TRACE 2010), B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute, Chennai, pp. 487-492, 2010.
- Allwyn J Varam, P.Gajalakshmi, “Behaviour of reinforced concrete column under cyclic loading”, Innovation in Civil Engineering-ICE 09, B.S.A.Crescent Engineering College, Chennai, pp.228-235, 2009.
- P. Gajalakshmi , J.K. Dattatreya, M. Neelamegam, “Studies on flexural and shear performance of various polymer fiber reinforced composites”, Innovation in Civil Engineering-ICE 09, B.S.A.Crescent Engineering College, Chennai, pp. 218-227, 2009.
- R.M.Naveen, P.Gajalakshmi, “Behaviour of concrete infilled steel tubes under cyclic loading”, Innovation in Civil Engineering-ICE 09, B.S.A.Crescent Engineering College, Chennai, pp. 135-142, 2009.
Research Guidance:
S.No | Name | Research Topic | Supervisor/D.C member |
1 | Ms. P. Krithika | An Investigation on behavior of coir fiber reinforced infilled light gauge steel slender columns subjected to buckling | Supervisor |
2 | Mr. Irfan Ahmed | Behaviour of joints in precast members under seismic loading | Supervisor |
3 | Ms. R. K. Sangeetha | Eco-critical perspective in select novels of Amitav Ghosh | D.C member |
4 | Mr.V.Varun kumar | “Seismic Performance of Frp Confined Light Weight Concrete Tubular Columns” | Supervisor |
Workshop Attended:
- “Structural Performance during Earthquakes & Performance-Based Seismic design” in the National workshop on Innovative Concepts for Seismic Response Control of Structures (ICSRCS-15), B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute,12 Feb 2015.
- “Aseismic Design of Structures” at TJS Engineering College, Chennai, 12 Sep 2014.
- “Seismic Design Philosophy and Indian Code Requirements ” in a National Workshop on “Aspects of Earthquake Disaster Mitigation and Management”,B. S. Abdur Rahman Institute, Chennai. 19 April 2013
- Training Programme conducted for Marine cadets, Chennai Shipping Navy Cadets in Strength of Materials Laboratory, B. S. Abdur Rahman Institute, Chennai, 19 – 20 Nov 2012.
- STAAD.Pro lecture and training conducted in a Value Added Course on “Software in Civil Engineering”, SOFTICE’11, 28 B. S. Abdur Rahman Institute, Chennai, Feb – 03 March 2011,
- “A Practical approach to the conflicting demands in planning and Design of structures against Earthquake and Tsunamis” in national seminar “Protection of structures and occupants against hazards” – “Protect – 2005” on 7th July 2005 at B.S.A.Crescent Engineering College.
- “Provisions in Seismic Codes BIS 1893 and 13920” in workshop on “Awareness of Seismic Design and Construction Practice” on 15th September 2006, at B.S.A.Crescent Engineering College.
- “Design aspects of Tension Splices, Lug angle and shear lag” in workshop on “Limit State Design of Steel Structures” on 30th November 2011, at Anna University, Chennai
- “Behaviour of Structural connections under shock” in Workshop on “Protective Planning and Design of Structures” on 29th April 2010,B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute, Vandalur, Chennai.
Invited Lectures
- “Ecofriendly Concrete for Sustainable Future” in online Faculty Development Programme on “Sustainable Concrete Technology and its Construction” organisized by Rise Krishna Saiprakasam Group of Institutions,Valluru, 2nd July 2021
- “Bridges” in online Faculty Development Programme on “Foundation Engineering, Fluid Mechanics and Structural Design for Civil Engineers” organisized by SRM Valliammai Engineering College, 15th May 2020
- “Rc Solid Slab Bridges” guest lecture organisized by Sairam Engineering College, 1st November 2020
- “Confined Tubular Members for Sustainable Construction” in online Faculty Development Programme on “Curriculum for Sustainability” organisized by Velammal Engineering College, 19th December 2020
- “Anchorage Zone Stresses”, in a Faculty Development and Training Programme on Prestressed Concrete Structures, organized by Rajalakshmi Engineering College, 06 July 2019
- “Guidelines for structural planning and design”, in Workshop on Analysis and Design of Structures organized by B. S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, 01st – 03rd Aug 2018.
- “Introduction to Prestressed Concrete Composite Structures ”, a guest lecture organized by Jeppiar S.R.R Engineering College, Chennai, 13 July 2018.
- “Analysis of Arches”, in FDTP on Structural Analysis organized by Sairam Institute of Technology, Chennai, 31 May 2018.
- “Design of RCC Beams” in FDTP on Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures, organized by St. Joseph College of Engineering, Chennai, 23rd – 24th May 2018
- “Analysis and Design of Bridges”, in FDTP on Design of Reinforced Concrete and Brick Masonry Structures, organized by Rajalakshmi Engineering College, 8th – 12th Dec 2017.
- “Detailing of Structural members”, in Workshop on Analysis and Design of Structures organized by B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute of Science and Technology, 22nd Sept, 2017.
- “Enhancing seismic response of building with seismic dampers”, in National workshop on “Urban Disasters- nature’s fury or human negligence?” B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute, 19th September 2016
- “Significance of detailing of reinforcement detailing for concrete structures” National workshop on “Impact of climate change on durability of RCC structures” B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute, 23-24, April 2016
- “Role of Civil Engineers” in Engineers Day and Concrete Day, 6, Adhi College of Engineering and Technology, Walajabad, 09 September 2016
- Behaviour of steel connections in Faculty Development Programme on “ Provisions of IS 800- 2007” on 28th November 2011 at Anna University, Chennai.
- Behaviour of Structural connections under shock in Workshop on “Protective Planning and Design of Structures” on 29th April 2010, B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute, Vandalur,Chennai.
- Provisions in Seismic Codes BIS 1893 and 13920” in workshop on “Awareness of Seismic Design and Construction Practice” on 15th September 2006, at B.S.A.Crescent Engineering College.
- A Practical approach to the conflicting demands in planning and Design of structures against Earthquake and Tsunamis” in national seminar “Protection of structures and occupants against hazards” – “Protect – 2005” on 7th July 2005 at B.S.A.Crescent Engineering College.
Core Consultancy Areas
Fund generated through consultancy & testing – Rs. 2.50 lakh
- Mix Design of Concrete
- Properties of Concrete Constituent Materials
- Behaviour of Reinforced concrete members
- Behaviour of Steel concrete composite member
Other Responsibilities
- Coordinator, National workshop on Innovative Concepts for Seismic Response Control of Structures , (ICSRCS-15), sponsored by Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences, Department of Atomic Energy, Mumbai, B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute,12 Feb 2015.
- Coordinator, National Workshop on “Aspects of Earthquake Disaster Mitigation and Management”, sponsored by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, (CSIR) New Delhi , 19 April 2013, B. S. Abdur Rahman Institute, Chennai.
- Chair Person, a technical Session in a National Conference , “Innovative Solutions for Sustainable Construction”, ISSC’13 , 02-03 May 2013 at B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute, Chennai.
- Coordinator, National Workshop on “Protective Planning and Design of Structures”, sponsored by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, (CSIR) New Delhi, 29 April 2010, B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute, Chennai.
- Chair Person, a Technical Session in a National Conference, “Technological Advances in Civil Engineering”, TACE’11, 03-04 May 2011, B. S. Abdur Rahman Institute, Chennai