Events 2021-22
Engineer’s day Celebration

Events 2020-21
Virtual workshop on concrete mix design
Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure have organized a “Virtual workshop on concrete mix design” on 26th June 2021 at 10.00 a.m. First session on “Cement” was delivered by Mr.R.Sivaramakrishnan, Technical Manager, JK white Cement and it is followed by the next session on “Concrete mix design” Dr.M.Purushothaman, Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, Annamalai University. Around 25 students from different college participated and got an exposure on concrete mix design.
Webinar on Career Advancement for Diploma Students in Civil Engineering
The Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure organized a webinar on the topic “Career Advancement for Diploma Students in Civil Engineering” on 17.06.2021. Around 125 polytechnic students from various states participated in this event. The guest speaker Er. K.K. Shanmugavel, Senior Section Engineer, Southern Railways, Ramanathapuram delivered the lecture and shared his experience about various opportunities for diploma holders related to higher studies and job.

The Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure organized a TECHNICAL QUIZ CONTEST exclusively for Diploma in Civil Engineering students on 14.06.2021 from 11 a.m. to 12 noon. 160 students from all over India were participated in the online quiz contest. Top five scorers of this contest awarded with exciting cash prizes.

Virtual Alumni Meet 2021
Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure conducted a Virtual Alumni Meet on 05.06.2021 from 11.00 AM to 02.00 PM. Around 90+ Alumni attended the meet from almost all parts of the world. The main aim of the Alumni meet was to cherish their old memories and, in the process, help us in showcasing the wonderful alumni to the juniors and motivate them by sharing their experiences, by guiding them on various career paths available in Civil Engineering Field, building confidence in them to take on this world and open the universe of opportunities waiting for them. Finally, the alumni meet was a great success in its prime motive of Connecting and Networking the alumnus, the management, the faculty and the final year students.

Webinar on Digital learning
Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure have organized a Webinar on “Digital learning“ on 05.06.2021 at 10.00 a.m by Dr. J. Mangayarkarasi, Dean of Academic Affairs & Head, PG and Research Department of English, Ethiraj College for Women, Chennai. This event was arranged exclusively for school students from XI to XII standard. The aim of this webinar was to provide exposure to various methods of digital learning.

World Environment Day Celebrations
As a part of “World Environment Day” celebrations a webinar series on 03.06.2021 was organized by Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure. Morning session on “Green Buildings- The way of life” was delivered by Dr C. Velan, City Head – Chennai Operations. Evening session on “Climatic change and Pandemic issues” was delivered by Sundarrajan G, core member of Poovulagin Nanbargal. More than 45 students participated in both the webinar and got benefitted from the lectures. This helped the students to know about the green concepts and issues due to climate change.

Industry Institute Meet 2021
Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure conducted a Virtual Industry Institute Meet on 29.05.2021 from 10.00 AM to 01.00 PM. The main aim of the industry meet was to bridge the gap and promote interaction between industry and Institute. This meet aimed at nurturing and enhancing relations with the builders, architects and many renowned expertise in the field of Civil Engineering. The major modes of interaction of the Department with the industries included Internship for students, Placement, Scholarships/fellowships instituted by industries, Participation of experts from industry in curriculum development, Professional consultancy by the faculty to industries, Memoranda of Understanding, Workshops, conferences and symposia with joint participation of the faculty and the industries, R&D Laboratories sponsored by industries at the Institute. Industrial experts from several reputed industries such as M/S L & T Construction, Chennai, M/S JK White Cement, Chennai M/S. Capital Land India, Chennai, M/S Larsen & Toubro, Bhopal, M/S. Saint-Gobain India Pvt Ltd – Glass Business, Chennai, M/S Ion Exchange India Limited, Bangalore actively participated in the industry Institute Meet and offered valuable suggestions for the benefits of students in terms of skill development, placements, higher studies etc.
The Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure have organised Virtual National Level Technical Symposium “CIVICLAN 2K21” on 26.05.2021. The Chief Guest, Er. R. Gowthaman, Additional Chief Engineer Civil (Retd.),Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Chennai inaugurated the event and gave a presentation on “Civil Works in Power Sector”. Around 100 students from various institute national wide participated in the symposium. Both technical and non-technical events such as paper presentation, quiz, mock interview, connexions and IPL auction were conducted.

Competition on “Efficient and cost-effective design of building”
Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure organized Competition on “Efficient and cost-effective design of building for final year polytechnic and B.E/B.Tech. civil Engineering students” on 25-5-2021. Students from different colleges participated in the competition enthusiastically by submitting the creative sketches and plan of buildings.
Virtual Workshop on STAAD Pro. Software for Polytechnic students & UG Final Year Students

The Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure organized CRESWIZARD 2021 – NATIONAL LEVEL SCIENCE QUIZ CONTEST exclusively for school students from IX to XII standard on 08.05.2021 from 11 a.m. to 12 noon. Around 35 students participated in the contest. Winners of the contest were awarded with cash prize and certificates.
Alumni Entrepreneur Webinar
The Office of Alumni Relations in association with the Department of Civil Engineering conducted an Alumni Entrepreneur Webinar through online on 29.04.2021. Around 50+ participants including faculty members attended the programme. The guest speaker our Alumnus Mr. Hasnain Razvi (B.Tech. Civil Engineering 2017 Batch), Director, Tincorr Construction Solutions, Chennai delivered a lecture on “Journey as an Entrepreneur in Civil Engineering Field”, in which he discussed the various projects that were completed during the three years of his entrepreneurship journey, and shared the complexities involved in the initial stage of the start-up. In a nutshell, the webinar gave an excellent perspective to the students in understanding the qualities and skills required for an entrepreneur to succeed in their field, by exemplary work quality and on-time delivery.

Guest Lecture – Career Opportunities in Civil Engineering
The Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure, B. S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology organized a Guest Lecture on the topic “Career Opportunities in Civil Engineering” on 12th April 2021 for final year and pre-final year B.Tech students through online by Dr. Leon Raj, Scientist from CSIR-North East Institute of Science & Technology, Jorhat, Assam.

World Water Day 2021
The Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure organized World Water Day 2021, through online on 22.03.2021. Around 83 participants including faculty members and students participated in this programme. The guest speaker Dr.Sekhar Raghavan, Director, Rain Centre, Adyar, Chennai delivered lecture on “Rain Water Harvesting for Urban Areas”, in which he highlighted the importance of Rainwater and its conservation through various methods.

PMI Chennai – Crescent Academic Forum
B. S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology (BSACIST) in association with Project Management Institute, PMI Chennai chapter inaugurated the first academic forum in Tamilnadu “PMI Chennai – Crescent Academic Forum” on 16th March 2021. Mr. M. Parvez Alam, Vice President – Outreach, PMICC and Chair, PMICC E & C Forum briefed about PMI which is an American nonprofit professional organization for project management with more than 1600 members in the Chennai chapter. Dr.B. Shyam Sundar, Associate Vice President- Academia, Vice Chair – Academic Forum stated that PMI plays an important role in developing standards, research, education, publication and networking-opportunities in local chapters. It also hosts seminars, conferences and training seminars and provide certification for students in project management. Mr. Tony Jacob, PMP and Associate Vice President, E & C Forum in his special address mentioned the role of project Management in Engineering and Construction. Prof. A. Peer Mohamed, Vice Chancellor, presided the function and appreciated the initiative taken by the Department of Civil Engineering and wished all success. Dr. A. Azad, Registrar insisted the students of Civil Engineering to utilize the opportunities provided by this academic forum. Dr.P.Vasanthi, Dean, School of Infrastructure and Dr. M.S. Haji Sheik Mohammed, Dean, Academic Affairs emphasized the importance of project management in Civil Engineering. Dr. N. Raja Hussain, Deputy Registrar and Mr. V.N.A. Jalal, Senior General Manager also participated.

AICTE Sponsored Short Term Training Programme (STTP) – “Disaster mitigation: A shift from disaster management towards disaster preparedness” (Phase-3)
The Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure organised AICTE Sponsored Short Term Training Programme (STTP) – “Disaster mitigation: A shift from disaster management towards disaster preparedness” (Phase -3) through online from 16.11.2020 to 21.11.2020. Around 70 participants including Faculty members, working professionals and students across different parts of India and abroad participated in this STTP. Speakers from reputed Academic Institutions like IIT Palakad, IIT Hyderabad, Anna University and also from industries delivered lectures on various aspects of disaster management. Some of the important topics such as Impact of Urbanization on flooding, Intelligent Transportation systems for Disaster management early warning system of IMD, Soil Nailing Techniques to encounter land slide Hazards in Hilly area,, climate change and sustainability were addressed by the experts.

AICTE Sponsored Short Term Training Programme (STTP) – “Disaster mitigation: A shift from disaster management towards disaster preparedness” (Phase-2)
The Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure organised AICTE Sponsored Short Term Training Programme (STTP) – “Disaster mitigation: A shift from disaster management towards disaster preparedness” (Phase-2) through online from 19.10.2020 to 24.10.2020. During this phase 16 lecture sessions were organised. Some of the important topics such as role of Role of remote sensing and GIS in Disaster management, Transportation Planning and Management for Disasters, Activities of National Disaster Management Authority, Watershed management In Tsunami affected areas using GIS, Disaster due to Nuclear radiation etc were handled by the experts.
Experts from reputed Academic Institutions and also from industries delivered lectures on various aspects of disaster management Around 90 participants including Faculty members, working professionals and students across different parts of India and abroad participated in this STTP.

AICTE Sponsored Short Term Training Programme (STTP) – “Disaster mitigation: A shift from disaster management towards disaster preparedness” (Phase-1)
The Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure organised AICTE Sponsored Short Term Training Programme (STTP) – “Disaster mitigation: A shift from disaster management towards disaster preparedness” (Phase -1) through online from 07.09.2020 to 12.09.2020. The event was inaugurated by Dr.K.Palanivelu, Professor & Director, Centre for Climate Change and Disaster Management, College of Engineering, Guindy, Anna University. He delivered the keynote address on “Climate change adaptation: Challenges”.
Dr.A.Peer Mohamed, Pro-Vice chancellor, presided over the event and Dr.A.Azad, Registrar, offered felicitations. Several speakers from reputed Academic Institutions and industries delivered lectures on various aspects of Disaster management including, earthquake disaster mitigation, landslide risk management, flood management, Tsunami warning and management etc. Around 80 participants including Faculty members, working professionals and students across different parts of India and abroad benefitted from this STTP.
Events 2019-20
School Students Event
Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure organized the drawing competition and photo collage competition for +2 students exclusively on 9.06.2020. The topics given were “Let’s Beat Corona” and “Stay home- Stay Safe” for photo collage and drawing competition respectively. The submission of photo collage and drawing were made through google forms and students were provided with cash prize to encourage them. E-certificate was provided for all the participants.
Online Quiz Contest
Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure organized the online quiz contest for final year and pre-final year students on 8.06.2020. The students were admitted in the contest through google forms and students were provided with cash prize to encourage them. E-certificate was provided for participants with more than 75% marks.
Green initiatives (NSS plantation)
Department of Civil Engineering and NSS team organized a Green Initiative to plant trees by the faculty and students at our campus on 16th March, 2020.

Civil Alumni Meet – 2020 was held on 22nd February 2020
An Alumni meet was organized by the School of Infrastructure in collaboration with Office of Alumni Relations (OAR) on 22nd February 2020 at seminar hall-1, Convention Centre. The event was graced by our Dean Dr.P.Vasanthi, Dr.M.S.Haji Sheik Mohamed, Dean Academics, Dr.K.Ganesh, Director (OAR) and also by the Administrative Academic Audit members (AAA).
The Alumnus attended the meet, shared their experiences, visited the institute and also had an interaction with the students of B.Tech and M.Tech (Structural Engineering and Construction Engineering & Management). Er. Elias Latif, (1984-1988 batch) Chief Operating Officer, ECCI Ltd, Chennai guided the students regarding various job opportunities in Civil Engineering. Er.P.Vekatesan (1984-1988 batch) Senior Principal Scientist & Associate Professor, CECRI – Karaikudi, advised the students to first decide about what they are opting for i.e. higher studies or job, based on which they can progress, Er.Mohamed Arshad (1991-1995 batch), Managing Director, Bharat Builders,Chennai. Er.Mohamed Ibrahim,(M.S. by Research -2017 batch), Director, Qualitech QEEE, Chennai, said that they are ready to recruit the students in their concern. Er.Madan Raj (2014-2018 batch), Site Engineer, Sriraj Builders, Chennai, and also an Entrepreneur shared about his experience in doing multiple task. Later, the final year B.Tech Civil Engineering students interacted with Alumni regarding the various job opportunities.

Short Term Training Programme on Digital Project Management Using BIM – 21st to 25th January 2020
Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure in association with De Novo Software Solutions organized a Short Term Training Programme titled “Digital Project Management Using BIM” from 21st to 25th January 2020. Totally 30 students comprising of B.Tech Civil Engineering, M.Tech (Structural Engineering & Construction Engineering and Project Management) successfully completed the training Programme.
One Day WorkShop on “Concrete Mix design” was held on 13th February 2020
One day workshop on ‘Concrete mix design’ was organized by the School of Infrastructure in collaboration with J K Cements Ltd on 13th February 2020 at seminar hall-2, Convention Centre. The workshop was conducted for the students to enhance the knowledge of proportioning the materials for making a good concrete. The topic of first session on ‘Standard procedure for Concrete mix design as per Indian standards’ was given by the speaker Dr.Kandasamy, Associate Professor, VelTech Rangarajan Dr.Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology, Avadi, Chennai. Mr. Sivaramakrishnan, Technical Manager, J K Cements Limited, gave a lecture on the topic ‘Good Construction Practices’ during the second session.
Guest Lecture by DR. DEREK V MORRIS, Senior Consulting Engineer, North America, held on 6th February, 2020
The Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure organized a Guest Lecture on “Case studies on application of dynamic analysis techniques to Civil engineering problems” by Dr. DEREK VICTOR MORRIS, Senior Consulting Engineer, SW Geotechnology, North America on 06th February 2020. He addressed the M.Tech (Structural Engineering & Construction Engineering Project Management) students.

Guest Lecture titled “Opportunities in Civil Engineering Field” on 27th January 2020, as part of the “Alumni Talk”
The Office of Alumni Relations (OAR) and Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure organized a Guest Lecture titled “Opportunities in Civil Engineering Field” on 27th January 2020, as part of the “Alumni Talk”. Our Alumnus Er.S.Sudarsanan (2001-2005 batch), Project Manager, Sandvik Asia Private Limited, Hyderabad addressed the B.Tech Civil Engineering and M.Tech (Structural Engineering & Construction Engineering Project Management) Students.
Guest Lecture on “Geographical information systems and Remote sensing for better Natural resource management” on 10th January 2020
The Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure organized a Guest Lecture titled “Geographical information systems and Remote sensing for better Natural resource management” by Dr.Pennan Chinnasamy, Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay addressed the B.Tech Civil Engineering Students on 10th January 2020

National Education Day
National Education Day is an annual observance in India to commemorate the birth anniversary of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, the first education minister of independent India. It is celebrated on 11 November every year. The students of civil department were asked to take oath on 12-11-2019 on behalf of the National education day.

Guest lecture on “Corrosion of Reinforced Concrete exposed in Natural Environment on 23.10.2019
Er.P.Venkatesan, Senior Principal Scientist & Associate Professor, CECRI – Karaikudi and our beloved first batch alumni (1984-1988) delivered a Guest lecture on “Corrosion of Reinforced Concrete exposed in Natural Environment” during 23.10.2019.

Guest lecture on corrosion and Engineer’s day
Er.Elias .A. Latiff, Chief Operating Officer, East Coast Construction India Pvt.Ltd, Chennai presided as a Chief Guest for the Engineers Day celebration on 21-10-2019. As a part of the Engineers Day he delivered a Guest lecture on “Alternate Technologies in Construction” for our young Engineers.

Two days training program on Stadd
“Two days training program on Stadd” was organised by the Department of Civil Engineering on 17.10.2019 and 18.10.2019. It is an initiative taken to give exposure to structural software to final year students for design project.

“Young Genius” – National Level Competition
“Young Genius”- national level competition for school students was organised by the Department of Civil Engineering on 16.10.2019. It is an initiative taken under Jal Shakthi Abhiyan scheme and the theme of the event was ” Leaving no one behind- Safe water for all”. Dr.R.Saravanan, Associate Professor, Centre for water resources, Anna University presided as chief guest. Nearly 110 school students from various schools across chennai participated in the event.

Value added Training programme (Sanitation Solutions in Urban India)
Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure in association with Indian Institute for Human settlements organised Two day Value added training programme in “Non-sewered Sanitation an important link for Sanitation Solutions in Urban India” on 27.09.2019 & 28.09.2019 for III year Civil Engineering Students.

Two days training program on Cost X
“Two days training program on Cost X” was organised by the Department of Civil Engineering on 24.09.2019 and 25.09.2019. It is an initiative taken to give exposure to estimation software to final year students which will be useful for design project.

A Guest Lecture on “Advanced Surveying”
Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure organized a guest lecture for the II year B.Tech Civil Engineering students on 17.09.2019. Mr.Selvam, General Manager M/S.Land Coordinate Technology, delivered a lecture on the topic “Advanced Surveying”

Value Added Training Programme
Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure conducted value added training programme in “SURVEYING- HANDS ON TRAINING IN TOTAL STATION AND GPS” for the II year B.Tech Civil Engineering students from 17.09.2019 to 19.09.2019. The course was conducted in association with M/S.Land Coordinate Technology, Chennai

Inauguration of activities of the civil societies for the year 2019-20 on 04.09.2019, 02.00 p.m. by Mr.H I Abdul Gani, Head,Civil Design Section, Indhira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research,Kalpakkam

In view of Jal Sakthi Abhiyan’ 2019 a Guest Lecture on “Estimation of Groundwater Resources” was given by Dr.K.S.Kadiravan, Deputy Director, Groundwater Circle – PWD, IWS, Taramani, Chennai on 6th September 2019

Mr.Vignesh Ramadhas, Practise Lead (Infrastructure), West Mark – Advisors, from Canada, gave a lecture on “White Rock Pier Reconstruction” for the Final year Civil Engineering Students on 5th August 2019

Er.Sherif Azmath, Environmental Engineer – Worley Parsons, Kuwait and Alumni, gave a lecture on “Land Remediation of Kuwait – Oil Spill after War”, for the Third year Civil Engineering Students on 20th August 2019

Department of Civil Engineering conducted a one day FDP in Recent Trends in BIM on 4/7/2019

Events 2018-19
Two day International workshop on “Smart and Sustainable Green Infrastructure” organised by School of Infrastructure in association with Universiti Teknologi Mara, Malaysia and supported by MIROS (Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research) during April 3rd and 4th 2019

Two day workshop on “Construction Management Software” during 14th & 15th March 2019

Department of civil engineering celebrated world water day on 22 March 2019. A lecture on “Climate change and water security” delivered by Dr. E.Arun Babu, Assistant professor (selection grade), Centre for water resources, Anna university

Civiclan 2019 – A National Level Technical Symposium (12th March 2019)

Department of civil engineering organised one day workshop on 3D printing on 29.10.2018


Dr. S.Virapan, Chairman and Managing Director of S.V.Associates, delivered a Guest Lecture on “Fire Safety and Smart Buildings” on 12.10.2018

Two day workshop on “Bridge Design, Fabrication & Testing” during 18th & 19th September 2018
Department of Civil Engineering along with Skyfi Education Labs Pvt. Ltd (A venture by IIT Kanpur alumni) organized a two day workshop on “Bridge Design, Fabrication & Testing” during September 18th & 19th for Civil Engineering Students.

“Professor Sr Ir Dr Suhaimi Abdul Talib, Chairman, UiTM Private Education Sdn. Bhd. INTEC Education College delivered a Guest Lecture on environmental geotechnology on 17.09.2018 to 20.09.2018”

Guest lecture on “Modern Construction Materials” by Mr V Ramanathan,Deputy General Manager, Dalmia Cements, Chennai organized as part of Engineers Day celebration on 17-9-2018

Inauguration of activities of the civil societies for the year 2018-19 on 14.09.2018, 10.00 a.m. by Mr. Sridharan Srinivasan, L & T – Deputy General Manager, CMRL, Chennai

Two day Workshop on “Electrochemical Corrosion Techniques: Theory and Hands on Training” during 7th & 8th September 2018
Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure and Department of Chemistry has organized a two day Workshop on “Electrochemical Corrosion Techniques: Theory and Hands on Training” during 7th & 8th September.

Events 2017-18
Civiclan 2k18 – A National Level Technical Symposium (26th March 2018)

‘Water Conclave’ – 22nd March 2018 (Organised By The Indian Express & Nippon Paint)

World Water Day Celebration – 22nd March 2018

Two Days Workshop On Structural Engineering Software (Etabs & Staadpro) During 21st & 22nd March 2018

Workshop On Kkm Soft – Autodesk For Pre-Final Year Students – From 13th To 15th March 2018

One Day National Competition On “Connecting People To Nature” Was Conducted For School Students During 21st November 2017

Guest lecture on Spatial Structures by Dr. Yazmin Sahol Hamid, Senior Lecturer, UiTM, Malaysia on November 16th, 2017

One Week Guest Lecture On Advanced Concrete Design For B.Tech Final Year Civil Engineering Students From Nov 13 2017 To Nov 17, 2017 by Dr. Yazmin Shahol Hamid, Professor Uitm Malaysia

Value added program on 3D studio max from 8.11.2017 to 1.12.2017

Hands On Training Workshop On Analysis And Design Of Structures On 20/09/2017 To 22/09/2017

Guest Lecture on “Bridges” conducted on 15th September 2017

Entrepreneurship Development cell is organizing an Entrepreneurship awareness drive for Civil Engineering Department students on 12/9/2017

Inaugural Function of civil societies on 28.08.2017

Value Added Course On Revit Architecture

Events 2016-17
Workshop On Primavera P6 – Hands On Training Conducted On April 14 & 16, 2017

Crestech 2k17 (24th & 25th March 2017) National Level Technical Festival

Workshop On Application Of Civil Engineering Softwares Conducted On 22-23 March 2017

UN World water day celebration on 22nd March 2017

International Conference on Innovative Technologies For Sustainable Built Environment (ITSBE’17) during 14th – 16th March, 2017

Guest Lecture on ‘Day Lighting Aspects for Energy Efficient Buildings’ by Prof Dr Azni Zain Ahmed, Asst Vice
Chancellor, UiTM, Mara, Malaysia

Industry Institute Meet – 2016

Urban workshop

Society Inauguration

Professor Muhammed Basheer, Head of the Civil Engineering from UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS, UK, delivered a special lecture

Events 2015-16
Six Day National Workshop on “Impact of Climate Change on Durability of RCC Structures (ICCDRS’16) April 19-24, 2016
List of Speakers:
Dr. P. Paramasivam, Professorial Fellow, National University of Singapore. Dr. Ravindra Gettu, Professor, BTCM Division, IIT Madras & Vice-President, RILEM. Dr. Manu Santhanam, Professor, BTCM, IIT Madras, Dr. K. Palanivelu, Director, Centre for Climate Change, Anna University.Dr. Radhakrishna G. Pillai, Asst. Professor, BTCM, IIT Madras, Dr. J. Prabakaran, Sr. Principle Scientist, SERC, Chennai. Mr. V. Ramanathan, DGM (Technical), M/S. Dalmia Cements, Chennai, Dr. V. Rajendran, Director, M/S. Hi Tech Concrete Solutions Chennai Pvt. Limited. Dr. M.S. Haji Sheik Mohammed, Professor & Dean, SOI, BSAIST. Dr. P. Vasanthi, Professor & Head, Civil Engineering, BSAIST. Dr. J. Revathy, Professor, Civil Engineering, BSAIST. Dr. U. Sabura Banu, Professor of E&I, BSAIST. Dr. P. Gajalakshmi, Associate Professor, Civil Engineering, BSAIST. Dr. Sunitha K. Nayar, Women Scientist, BTCM, IIT Madras.

Civiclan 2016

Bridge Design Contest (9-10 March 2016)

Survey camp-2016

“Nuclear Reactor Construction & Nuclear Hazards & Accidents” on 04th November 2015. Name of the Guest: Mr. E. Premkumar Samuel Scientist, IGCAR, Kalpakkam
Workshop on Ansys – Finite Element Modeling was organized for final year B.Tech. Students from 29.10.15 – 31.10.15
“Industrial Practices in Energy Efficient Buildings” on 11th September 2015. Name of the Guest: Ms. Yamini Vidya Manickavasagam, Manager & ESD Consultant, Genetech Pvt. Ltd
Inauguration of Society of Civil Engineers and Student Chapter of ASCE and ICI was held on 24th August 2015; Mr. V. Ramanathan – Deputy General Manager (Technical Services), Dalmia Bharat Cement was the Chief guest.
“Sustainability and Renewable Energy: Path Forward – Future of Engineering Education” on 07th August 2015. Name of the Guest: Prof. M. Arockiasamy, Professor & Director (Centre for Infrastructure and Constructed Facilities), Florida Atlantic University USA
Events 2014-15
National Conference on ”Sustainable Civil Engineering Technologies & Practices” was organized during 29th & 30th April 2015; Chief Guest – Mr. B. Suresh, CEO and Whole Time Director, M/s Mahindra Consulting Engineers Ltd.
National Conference on Sustainable Civil Engineering Technologies and Practices (SCETEP’15)

Two Days Workshop – Principles of Bridge Design and model presentation (2015)

National Workshop on “Innovative Concepts for Seismic Response Control of Structures- ICSRCS15” was organized during 11-12, February 2015 sponsored by Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS), Mumbai
“Overview of Structural Response Control” on 11th February 2015. Name of the Guest: Dr. A. R. Santha Kumar, Emeritus Professor, IIT, Madras
“Construction Project Management in International Market and Construction Sequence and Techniques of Skyscrapers – a case study” on 31st January 2015. Name of the Guest: Mr. Arun Prasath, Projects Control and Planning Manager, INDRA SISTEMAS, SPAIN (OMAN Branch)
“Innovation Applications of Ferrocement” on 29th January 2015. Name of the Guest: Dr. P. Paramasivam, Professorial Fellow, National University of Singapore
A National Level Technical Symposium “CIVICLAN 2015” was organized on 29th January 2015
A National Level Technical Symposium “CIVICLAN 2015” was organized on 29th January 2015, Dr. P. Paramasivam, Professorial Fellow, National University of Singapore, inaugurated the event and delivered a special lecture on “Innovative Applications of Ferrocement”. More than 600 students participated in the Symposium.

Open House cum Exhibition (January-2015)

Orientation Programme for Ist Year B.Tech. (IInd Semester) students was organized on 10th January 2015
Events 2013-14
construzone-Techfest “2014” – Intradepartmental Technical Symposium (March 2014)

Events 2012-13
National Conference on Innovative Solutions for Sustainable Construcion (ISSC ’13), (2-3, May, 2013)