Dr. K.Srinivasan

Designation : Dean
Nature of Employment : Regular
Qualification : B.Sc., MBA, PhD
Date of Joining : 12.12.2018
Phone : Ph : +91-44-22759373, Extn:373
Email ID : dean.som@byt.digital/wordpress/crescent

Dr.Srinivasan has professional experience of 26+ years in Industry and Academics. After 6 years of experience in the field of Sales and Marketing, he worked as a Management teacher at Kongu Engineering College – Erode, ICFAI Business School – Chennai and Jansons School of Business – Coimbatore for around 10 years.

In 2007, he took a break from teaching to work as Head- Strategic Alliances at Everonn Systems India Limited, Chennai for around 2 years. Since then Dr.Srinivasan had been working as Professor of Marketing and Strategy at Jansons School of Business – Coimbatore before taking up his current assignment as Dean- School of Management at BSA Crescent Institute of Science and Technology.

He has won Gold medal & awards for his professional & academic achievements. He has presented highly commended papers in National & International conferences.

He has participated in a number of Faculty Development Programmes sponsored by AICTE & UGC and organised by leading business schools including IIM – Bangalore / ISB- Hyderabad / MDI- Gurgaon in India.

Mr. Srinivasan completed his Bachelor’s degree from The American College, Madurai and MBA from Dept. of Mgmt. Studies (DOMS), Madurai Kamaraj University. He has qualified in UGC-SLET. He has earned his Ph.D in the area of Consumer Complaining Behaviour.

He also mentors an interactive web portal www.consumermirror.com with an objective of customer empowerment.