Events 2021-22
Degree Award Ceremony (Batch 2019-21)
Department of Management Studies organized a degree award ceremony on 22 Feb 2022 for the 2019-2021 Batch Students. One hundred and eighteen students graduated. Dr.J.Sadakkadulla, Former Regional Director (Retd.,), Reserve Bank of India was the Chief guest of the program.

Orientation Programme at BOSCH Training Center
In line with the direction given in the National Education Policy ’20 in order to support the agenda of ‘Employable Vocational Education and Skill Development’ in Higher Education, an orientation programme was organized on 01.10.2021 on the topic “Industry Academia Collaboration in Skill Development” for 1st year MBA students at BOSCH Industry Academia Collaboration Center, BSACIST between 9.30 AM to 12.30 PM.
Dr.D.Asokk, Assistant Professor – DoMS and IACL – BOSCH delivered the orientation talk about BOSCH initiatives in CSR. The course contents on Skill Entrepreneurship for youth, Future Human Competencies (Future Skills), the making of a developed country (Soft Skills & right attitudes) and Social Responsibility were explained to students and the session ended up in a question and answer session.

MBA Orientation Programme 2021
The Department of Management Studies organized two-day orientation programme on 27th & 28th September 2021 for their freshers batch 2021-2023 in the auditorium.
On Day-1, the Dean, Crescent School of Business, Dr. K. Srinivasan, welcomed the gathering consisting of 122 students freshers, our esteemed Vice Chancellor, Registrar and Additional Registrar, deans, directors, faculty members of the department. The presidential address was delivered by the VC, Dr. A. Peer Mohamed, followed by keynote address by the chief guest. The chief guest was Mr. C.K. Kumaravel, CEO & Co-founder, Naturals Salon & Spa who was honoured with a memento and a shawl by the VC & the Registrar.
The chief guest enlightened and inspired the students through the role model he had admired and mesmerised the students through his thought-provoking speech. The programme was felicitated by Dr. N. Raja Hussain, Additional Registrar, Dr. M.S. Haji Sheik Mohammed Dean, Academic Affairs, Mr. M. Parvez Alam, Director & CEO, Crescent Innovation & Incubation Council (CIIC), Dr. Karthikeyan Ramalingam, Dean, Student Affairs & Chief Proctor (Discipline), Dr. Latha Tamilselvan, Chair Person, Internal Complaints Committee (ICC), Dr. S. Kaja Mohideen, Director (PG Admissions) & Hostel Warden, Dr. S. Selvakumar, Director, Physical Education, and Dr. K. Ganesh, Director, Placement & Training. Finally, the vote of thanks was proposed by the HOD/MS, Dr. M. Shanmugam.
In the afternoon session, the students were taken around the campus.
On Day-2, Mr. Shashikanth Jayaraman, Founder, HR Sangam and Vice President, Global Human Resources, Multicoreware Inc and Mr. Gokul Santhanam, Senior Vice President, Mphasis gave motivational talks in the forenoon session while Mr. Samuel Harris, Founder, Tieke Education Pvt. Ltd. gave the talk in afternoon session.

Virtual Alumni Meet 2021

The Department of Management Studies organized a virtual Alumni Meet for all the batches of MBA and Ph.D on 4th September 2021 (Saturday) between 10:30 am to 12: 30 pm. The meet started with the welcome address by Dr. K Srinivasan, Dean, Department of management Studies, and special address by Dr. M. Shanmugam, HOD, Department of Management Studies.
The HoD briefed about the Department and introduced the faculty members. The future plans for the department were also discussed. Dr. K. Ganesh, Director, Office of Alumni Relations felicitated the Alumni participants. All the Alumni participants introduced themselves, shared their experiences and given valuable feedback for the development of the Department. The meet concluded with the Vote of thanks by Dr. Ansari Sarwar Alam, Alumni Coordinator of the Department of Management Studies, and Mr. John K Mathew, Coordinator of Office of Alumni Relations.
Alumni Webinar on “Introduction to Digital Disruption in Banking”

The Department of Management Studies organized an Alumni webinar on “Introduction to Digital Disruption in Banking” for the MBA Students on 25th August 2021 (Wednesday) between 10:30 am to 11: 30 am through Google meet Application. Mr. Raghuveer Subharmanian is the invited alumnus for delivering the webinar.
Mr. Raghuveer Subharmanian, an MBA alumnus passed out in the year 2006 is currently the Assistant Vice President of Barclays. He briefed about the digital banking processes and new technologies which impact the banking sector. He also discussed about the expectation of banking sector from MBA graduates. The session benefitted the students in understanding the digital disruption in the banking sector. More than 75 MBA students participated in the session.
Events 2020-21
Degree Award Ceremony

Department of Management Studies organized a degree award ceremony on 10 Feb 2021 for the 2018-2020 Batch Students. One hundred and sixteen students graduated.
Alumni Meet 2021
Department of Management Studies has organized an Alumni meet of the batches 2017-2019 & 2018-2019 on 04-02-2021. The details of the Alumni are as follows.
Name | Batch | Designation | Organization |
Kathiravan M | 2018-2020 | Scrum Master | FIS |
Mohammed Haleem S | 2018-2020 | Scrum Master | FIS |
Hari Krishnan | 2018-2020 | Associate Director – Global Alliances | BNY Mellon |
Sheik Mohamed alsafa | 2017-2020 | CEO | Jahan Parcel ServiceZontia Group of Company |
Sangeetha Saravanan | 2017-2020 | Assistant Area Manager | LG Electronics India Pvt. Ltd |
Webinar on “My Story – Motivational Session by a Successful Innovator”
A webinar on “My Story – Motivational Session by a Successful Innovator” was organized by the Department of Management Studies in association with Crescent Innovation and Incubation Council (CIIC) for faculty and studentson 24.12.2020 (Thursday). The webinar was convened by Dr.K.Srinivasan, Dean – Crescent School of Business (CSB) and Dr.M.Shanmugam, Head of the Department, Department of Management Studies (DoMS). The session was conducted for one hour between 12.00 PM to 1.00 PM through Google Meet Platform. Mr.V Guru Vignesh, Co-Founder, Impensus Electronics Private Limited, Chennai, acted as resource person. The webinar was organized by Dr.D Asokk, Faculty Coordinator – DoMS. The session covered all key topics including generation of idea and designing the business model. One of the key benefits of this session is that the introduction of their technology for measuring and storing fruits and vegetables and elongation of its life span. Overall, the participants got a wonderful edge on design thinking and idea pitching for start-ups.

AICTE sponsored STTP on ‘Data driven Techniques for Business Analytics using R Programming, Python, and Tableau”

Pro – Vice Chancellor

International Webinar on Leadership Trends post Covid
An International webinar on Leadership Trends Post Covid was organised by the Centre for Leadership (CFL), Department of Management Studies, for academicians and corporate employees 29.07.2020 (Wednesday). The programme was convened by Dr.M.Shanmugam, Director – Centre for Leadership, BSACIST. The programme was conducted for two hours between 3.00 P.M to 5.00 P.M through Google Meet. The first speaker was Dr.M.Ramani, Department of Public Health & Preventive Medicine, Chennai. He spoke on the topic Leaders – Trend Setters or Change Agents from 3.00 P.M to 4.00 P.M followed by second speaker Dr.Nithya Ramachandran, Faculty – Accounting & Finance, Ibra College of Technology, Sultanate of Oman who spoke on COVID19 and Women in Leadership – A response to build back better from 4.00 P.M to 5.00 P.M.

Events 2019-20
1st and 2nd Two week FDP Series on “Application of Moodle LMS” – 11th-26th June 2020 and 11th-25th July 2020

The two week paid faculty development program on “Application of Moodle LMS” was organised by the Department of Management Studies. The coordinator for both the FDPs was Prof. Dr. HaiderYasmeen. It was the collaborative effort of five different institutions, AICTE, Delhi, Crescent, JamiaMillia, Delhi DY Patil College of Engineering, Pune and Intellect Infinity, Chennai, a start-up firm. Two FDPs were conducted, one in June 2020 and the other in July 2020. The team thoughtfully made a decision to impart training to faculty members of Higher Education Institution Pan India so as to empower them with knowledge pertaining to application of technology in teaching learning process. It was the need of the hour during the pandemic-lockdown scenario. Moodle was found to be the best, free open source software, for faculty to academically connect with their students. Google meet (G suite) was used to impart online training and Moodle link was shared to all participants for self-enrolment and live demo. The timings for the session were scheduled from 8.30 pm to 10.00 pm. During the 1st FDP, 120 participants and during the 2nd FDP, 150 participants from different Institutions across states and districts of India participated. The second FDP also included students who were being trained to become future teachers.
During the second FDP, the session conducted was briefly summarized and shared on group whatsapp by the trainer. Special revision session was conducted during the second week. The faculty involvement during the training was overwhelming. The feedback received from participants for both the FDPs was excellent and encouraging. The FDP trainers performed their role with complete commitment and passion. A special mention about the short and interesting session on “Importance of Technology in Education” by our Registrar during the FDP encouraged and motivated the members of the organizing team and the participants.
One-Week Online Programme on Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)
A One-Week online programme on Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) was organised by the Centre for Leadership, Department of Management Studies for academicians and corporate employees from 10.06.2020 (Wednesday) to 16.06.2020 (Tuesday). The programme was convened by Dr.M.Shanmugam, Center For Leadership (CFL) and Dr.K.Ganesh, Placement & Training Cell, BSACIST. The session was conducted for one hour between 9.30 A.M to 10.30 A.M on all seven days through Zoom Platform. Dr D Asokk, a certified NLP Trainer by IIPE, Canada, working as Assistant Professor in Department of Management Studies, BSA Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai acted as resource person.

Guest lecture on HR Contemporary Practices

The Department of Management Studies organized a guest lecture on “HR Contemporary Practices” for the first year & second year MBA students on 12th February 2020 (between 11 am to 12:40 pm) at MBA Seminar Hall. Mr.Elaya Sekaraja, Associate General Manager HRD, Indus Teqsite Private Limited an alumnus of department of management studies (1998-2000 batch) was the guest lecturer. He briefed about the corporate expectations from the MBA graduates. He has also discussed the various HR practices followed in different industries. The session benefitted the students in understanding the real scenarios practiced in the corporate.
Alumni meet 2020 (1998-2000 Batch)

The Department of Management Studies has organized Alumni meet of 1998-2000 batch on 24th-Jan-2020. 20 Alumni were assembled from different part of India and other countries. They interacted with the faculty members and students; advised MBA students’ regards to the respective subjects and their scope in the future. Presented Mementos to the HOD, Pro-Vice Chancellor as a token of gratitude.

Our students of MBA has participated in THINKEDU CONCLAVE 2K20 sponsoredby SASTRA (deemed to be university) associated with THE NEW INDIAN EXPRESS on January 8-9, 2020 at ITC GRAND CHOLA, CHENNAI. 11 students accompanied with Dr.D.Asokk attended sessions related to Educating tomorrow’s India, Women as leaders, Republic of India 2.0: is the change fundamental?. This conclave has been honoured by Governor of Tamil Nadu, Shri Banwarilal Purohit and Governor of Kerala, Shri Arif Mohammed khan.
Guest Lecture on “Personal SWOT analysis for identifying one’s competencies and limitations”

Department of Management Studies organized a guest lecture on “Personal SWOT analysis for identifying one’s competencies and limitations” for the students of MBA I and II year on 4th November 2019. Around 180 students attended this guest lecture delivered by Mr.Balaraju Kondaveeti (M.S Entrepreneurship from IIT Madras). It helped students in identifying core strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats within themselves that leads to fact-based analysis, fresh perspectives and new ideas.
Inauguration of The New Seminar Hall in the Department of Management Studies
Our Honourable Chancellor Mr. BSA Arif Buhary Rahman, inaugurated the New Seminar Hall in the Department of Management Studies on 05th November 2019, in the presence of Dr. A. Azad, Registrar, Dr. N.Raja Hussain., Deputy Registrar, Mr. V.N.A. Jalal, Senior General Manager, of our institute, Dr. K.Srinivasan, Dean, Dr. Shanmugam, Head of the Department and faculty members of the department.

One-day Workshop on ‘MS Excel on Supply Chain Management’
The Department of Management Studies organized a one-day workshop on ‘MS Excel for Supply Chain Management’ for the 2nd year MBA students with Logistics and Supply Chain Management specialization on 19th October 2019. A total of 50 students took part in the workshop. The resource person for the workshop was Mr. D. Sriram, an industry expert and affiliate faculty member. Mr. D. Sriram is the CEO of Maruti 3PL Solutions, Chennai. The workshop was convened by Dr. M. Shanmugam, Professor and Head, and coordinated by Dr. J. Hemalatha, Mrs. T. Rocky Devi and Dr. D. Asokk, faculty members, Management Studies.

Orientation Program for the 1st year MBA students

Orientation for I year MBA was conducted on 19th August 2019. Students and parents of I year were felicitated by our Hounarable Vice Chancellor Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Dr IR. Dr. Sahol Hamid Bin Abu Bakar, Dr. A. Azad, Registrar, Mr. S. M. Buhary, Member, Board of Management, Dr. S.K.G. Ganesh, Director (PG-Admissions), Dr. M.S. Haji Sheik Mohammed, Dean, Academic Affairs, and Heads of various academic department.
Events 2018-19
Inauguration of Student Chapter of Madras Management Association (MMA) on March 13, 2019
On March 13, 2019 the Student Chapter of Madras Management Association (MMA) was inaugurated at Department of Management Studies. Dr. K. Srinivasan, Dean, Management Studies presented the Welcome Address and offered an overview of Madras Management Association. The Presidential Address by Dr. A. Azad, Registrar, BSACIST and the Inaugural Talk by Group Captain Dr. R. Venkataraman (Retd.), General Manager, MMA inspired the audience. He also spoke about the advantage the collaboration with MMA brings and outlined the road ahead. This is a promising start to the Student Chapter that has a lot to offer in the future.
MMA chapter at Crescent will give access to many industry experts and collaboration.

Crescendo 2K19
Crescendo 2K19, an Intercollegiate talent meet was organised by Dept. of Management Studies on 15th February. The events were Royal Rumble (Best Management Team), Gladiators (Marketing game), Biz-Buzz (Quiz) and TipTap Toe (Variety Programme). Around 175 students from 19 colleges from Tamilnadu participated in the event. Mr.Ravindran Solomon, Vice-President and Senior Creative Director of J.Walter Thompson, a global advertising agency, was the Chief Guest.

Inauguration of Student Clubs at Dept. of Management Studies

Department of Management Studies had conducted an Inaugural program for clubs on 28-01-2019 at Seminar Hall 2, Convention Centre, BS Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology. These Clubs are formed to develop the students’ learning in a practical way as “Practical things are easy to learn and have long lasting impact”. The presidential speech was given by Dr. A. Azad, Registrar, BS Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology and it was followed by the inaugural speech of Mr. Elango M, Vice President, FCB Interface. Being an expert in the field advertisement MrElango M, had shared his valuable experience regarding the advertisement field and suggested productive views for the Club activities with good wishes.
The Clubs were introduced with the Names, logos and Mottos of Clubs by the Students of Department of Management Studies. Following are the club names: Avenues: Marketing Club,Hope: Human Resource Club, Seed: Entrepreneurship Club, Rahoitta: Finance Club and Dabbawala: Operations and Logistics club.
Events 2017-18
National Conference on “Higher Education and Career opportunities” – Organised on 10th October, 2017
Resource Persons:Dr. Kannan Gireesh, Psychiatrist, Founder and CEO of Live Life Education Pvt. Ltd, Mr.Kalyan
Sundaram, IA &AS Officer (Retired), Director, Excell Career IAS Academy, Mr. M.Sundaram, Executive-Director,
Super Forge Pvt.Ltd., Mr.R.Jithendra Kumar, CEO, Ontoborn Technologies, Mr.Shashikanth Jayaraman, CEO &
Principal Advisor, Hex Advisory (P) Ltd and founder of HR Sangam, Mr. T.Udayakumar, Finance Director, CMWSSB,
Mr. Antony Vishal Francis, Senior Marketing Analyst, Pramati Technologies, and Ms. Kripadevi Dharmaraj, Founder
& CEO, MC’s Lunch.

Management Development Programme on “Leveraging on CSR for Creating Shared Value” with association with GGS
Information Services Pvt. Ltd. – Organised on 6th October, 2017
Resource Persons:Mr Hemantha Kumar Pamarthy, Consultant of CII, Ms Gazal Raina, CSR Lead, Ford Motors, Mr
Karthik Ramaswamy, KPMG, Ms Latha Suresh, Director, Social Audit Network India, Ms. Sanjula Bai, Country Head of
CSR and AVP, Wells Fargo EGS India Ltd, Dr.Samip Baruah, Head, International Sales, ITC Ltd.

Reminiscence 2017- A panel discussion with an objective to bridge Industry-Academia gap – Organised on 23rd,
September 2017
Resource Person: Mr. Shankar Ramamurthy, Associate Director- Projects, Cognizent Technologies Solution, Mr.
Karthikeyan, Senior Business HR Manager, Innova Solutions, Mr. Sridharan Siva, Head – Brand and Digital
Marketing, Redington India Ltd. and student representatives from elite institutions.

Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Research Methodology and Data analysis using SPSS and AMOS” – Organised on 13th to 19th, July 2017
Resource Person: Dr. T.J. Kamalanabhan and Dr. Thenmozhi, Professors from IIT-M, Dr. Ravanan, Professor,
Presidency College, Dr. Jayanth Jacob, Assoc. Professor, Anna University, Dr.V. Murugesan, Registrar, B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology, Dr. Haider Yasmeen, Prof/HoD, DoMS, B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology.

Events 2016-17
MMA Workshop – Employability Skills Required for Managers – Organised on 10th April 2017

Crestech 2k17 – Intercollegiate Technical Symposium – Organised on 24th and 25th March 2017

A one day workshop on “Entrepreneurship Orientation Program” – Organised on 20th March 2017

MMA Workshop – Entrepreneurship and Soft Skills – Organised on 2nd March 2017
Women Entrepreneurship Development Organization

MMA Workshop : You – The Brand – Organised on 22nd December 2016

Workshop on ‘Financial education – Investors’ Awareness programme – Organised on 18th October 2016

Events 2015-16
A workshop on Online Trading – Organised on 15th February, 2016

National Conference on Career choices of B- School students – Organised on 6th October 2015

Events 2014-15
MMA Workshop – Financial Strategy – Organised on 4th March 2015

MMA Inauguration – Organised on 4th December 2014
Management Association

Cruize 2K14 – Inter College Management Fest – Organised on 18th November, 2014

Events 2013-14
Cruize 2K13 – Inter College Management Fest – Organised on 11th December, 2013

Events 2012-13
National Conference on “Physical & Mental Health for Working Professionals: An Holistic Approach” – Organised on
19th April 2013
Medical College & Hospital
Organised by: HRD Club