Events 2017-2018
Events 2017-2018
Train The Trainers Programme (26-28 June 2018)
Educators impart knowledge and skill to students. These educators need to be updated and trained in new skills and technology, so that students could learn better. Keeping this in mind, the Faculty Training Academy (FTA) of B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology in association with SKILLMATIX organized a three-day Faculty Development Programme (FDP) for the teaching faculty and Heads of the Departments from 26th to 28th June 2018.
The delegates were trained on Business Communication and Innovative Presentation Skills. Mr. Akshay, a Leadership and Transformational Trainer & Coach at SKILLMATIX, acquainted the participants with various techniques to make the classrooms a better place for teaching and learning. The training provided the much needed refreshing ideas to go hand in hand with the experienced teaching of the faculty.
“SAEISS Tractor Design Competition – 2018” on June 21-23, 2018 Team CRESTRAC – A group of B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology Mechanical Engineering students have participated in Tractor Design Challenge, organized by SAE INDIA southern section. It is an all India level competition. They have secured second place for durability.
Ped – Yoga Awarness Programme on June 21, 2018 You all must be aware of the “International Yoga Day Celebration” conducted in our institute on June 21, 2018. As a part of this event, A yoga awareness programme has been conducted successfully on 13/07/2018 at main auditorium. We thank our management, VC sir and registrar for giving us such a wonderful opportunity to conduct this event. On behalf of Physical Education Department, we thank the Students and staff members who all actively involved and participated.
A Promo seminar on “Significance of learning law” A promo seminar was conducted near Nagercoil – a place called Thiruvithancode in association with Islamic Model Matriculation School on 28th April,2018. The Seminar highlighted the topic “Significance of learning law” and to make people aware of the basic tenets of law.
One Day Workshop On “Engine Dismantling And Assembly” An one day workshop titled “Engine Dismantling and Assembling” was organized under ASME with 27 participants on 25-04-2018. The workshop was targeted mainly undergraduate students of I, II and III year students. The objective of the workshop was to understand and realize the components/parts present in the two wheeler vehicle for the beginners. In the workshop was inaugurated by Dr. Prince Arockia Doss, Professor/ Mechanical Engg. And further the sessions are started with the power point presentations detailed the components/parts present in the TVS Scooty. Our students Mr. Dharanivel A.S.A, Mr. Adithya R, Mr. Ajay Krishna R were given the presentation. And the session started with dismantling and assembling of TVS scooty. And the participants were asked to participate in dismantling and each and every single parts of vehicle were explained to the participants. The doubts raised by the participants were cleared with answers. Finally the participants are requested to assemble the vehicle. The real in hands training motivated the participants and the expressed their happiness in the closing ceremony of the workshop.
“Technical symposium INERTIA 2K18” Technical symposium INERTIA 2K18 organised by the department of Mechanical Engineering was held on 12.04.2018.
Special Lecture by Adv. Sirajuddheen, Supreme Court Of India In order to provide legal skill and art a special lecture class was conducted on 11.04.2018 and Advocate Sirajudeen of Supreme Court of India spoke on the occasion.
One day national level workshop on “Friction Material Concepts: Formulation, Testing & Environmental Issues” was conducted by the Department of Mechanical Engineering on 10th April 2018
Report – One Day National Workshop
Civiclan 2k18 – A National Level Technical Symposium (26th March 2018)
Guest lecture on “Hybrid Nuclear Renewable Integrated Energy system” by Dr. Siddharth Suman from I.I.T Patna was organized by “Centre for Energy Research studies and Department of Mechanical Engineering” on 26th March 2018. The guest lecture was organized by “Centre for Energy Research studies and Department of Mechanical Engineering” on 26.3.2018. The guest Dr. Siddharth Suman from I.I.T, Patna has delivered lecture on “Hybrid Nuclear Renewable Integrated Energy system”. Around 10 faculty members and 100 students from various disciplines (Mechanical, Civil, Electrical & Electronics, polymer and Automobile) were participated and benefitted. He highlighted about the integrated facilities comprised of nuclear reactors, renewable energy generation and industrial processes for the need of grid flexibility, green house gas emission reductions and optimal use of investment capital.
National Integration Camp from 24.03.2018-30.03.2018 National integration camp was organized by NSS State cell, Bangalore from 24.03.2018 – 30.03.2018 at Davanagere University, Davanagere (Karnataka). 10 NSS volunteers have attended for the National Integration camp under NSS Programme Coordinator Dr.N. Hajarabeevi. The objective of this camp was to integrate the volunteers, culture, and language of different states of India. All the students are divided into 6 groups. .Every day students all woke up at 5 AM to be ready for the Flag hosting and yoga. After the exercise they got out for breakfast. Then they involved in cleaning the campus of the university as a part of swachhbharat. Each of the groups was assigned different parts of campus to clean. Then we had lunch and after which the evening was started with cultural program of different states each day. Our Institution performed the cultural programme on Thursday. On fifth day students went for a visit to chitradurga rock fort. There was a large historical fort on the base of rocky hills with many doors & amp; carvings at the main entrance. Finally the programme was ended with distribution of token of gratitude for each participants and volunteers and the staff involved. We celebrated the vote of thanks with wearing traditional dresses. It was really a nice experience to met new people and culture. Our students learnt the real meaning of this camp. Our dance, play and singing were praised by the audience. It was really a prideful and unforgettable moment for us.
‘Water Conclave’ – 22nd March 2018 (Organised By The Indian Express & Nippon Paint)
World Water Day Celebration – 22nd March 2018
Two Days Workshop On Structural Engineering Software (Etabs & Staadpro) During 21st & 22nd March 2018
The department of Mechanical Engineering in association with Techniche organized a 2 day workshop on autonomous robot building on 14th and 15th of March 2018. Report on workshop on Techno
Workshop On Kkm Soft – Autodesk For Pre-Final Year Students – From 13th To 15th March 2018
NSS Special Camp (09.03.18 to 15.03.18) NSS special camp was held at Kattur panchayat and adanur panchayat during 09.03.18 to 15.03.18. The camp started on 09.03.18 with a formal inauguration. On 10.03.18, NSS student volunteers are involved in cleaning school premises,Lakes painting school buildings etc. NSS student volunteers also distributed pamphlets to the public in and around the adopted village regarding the training programme to be conducted by the self help group on 11.03.18 and for the free Medical camp to be held on 14.03.18. They also involved themselves in the removal of dangerous Karuvelam Tree (Juki flora) removal around the school premises. Valediction and prize distribution was held on 15.03.18.
Women’s Day Celebration on 8.03.2018 In association with Women’s grievances cell, Women’s day was celebrated on 8.03.2018. A lecture was given to women staff to save energy.
International Women’s Day on March 8, 2018
IPA National Convention on 10 & 11 February 2018
Two Days National level workshop on “ADVANCED COMPOSITE MATERIALS – A RESEARCH PERSPECTIVE” was organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering on 2nd and 3rd February 2018 Composites workshop – report
Regreen Chennai Omr Marathon on 17th December 2017
Tree Plantation At Kba Men’s Hostel On 23.11.17 Tree plantation around KBA Men’s Hostel was done on 23.11.17. 15 saplings were planted in and around KBA Men’s Hostel by NSS volunteers. More than 30 students were participated in tree plantation programme. Dr.S.Kajamohideen presided over the function.
One Day National Competition On “Connecting People To Nature” Was Conducted For School Students During 21st November 2017
Guest lecture on Spatial Structures by Dr. Yazmin Sahol Hamid, Senior Lecturer, UiTM, Malaysia on November 16th, 2017
One Week Guest Lecture On Advanced Concrete Design For B.Tech Final Year Civil Engineering Students From Nov 13 2017 To Nov 17, 2017 by Dr. Yazmin Shahol Hamid, Professor Uitm Malaysia
Bharath Unnath Abiyan NSS volunteers of B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology observed Bharath Unnath Abiyan (Usage of computer) and gave on first aid training to the students of Governments High School, Otteri and Manivakkam on 11.11.17. More than 20 NSS volunteers participated in this campaign.
Value added program on 3D studio max from 8.11.2017 to 1.12.2017
Tree Plantation Drive On 26.10.17 Tree plantation drive was held on 26.10.17. Our NSS volunteers actively participated in the drive.
Inauguration of Crescent Society of Automobile Engineers on 25.10.2017 Inauguration of Crescent Society of Automobile Engineers on 25.10.2017, The chief guest of honour Mr. G. Ramesh, Plant head – Takata India Pvt. Ltd
National Conference on “Higher Education and Career opportunities” – Organised on 10th October, 2017 Resource Persons:Dr. Kannan Gireesh, Psychiatrist, Founder and CEO of Live Life Education Pvt. Ltd, Mr.Kalyan Sundaram, IA &AS Officer (Retired), Director, Excell Career IAS Academy, Mr. M.Sundaram, Executive-Director, Super Forge Pvt.Ltd., Mr.R.Jithendra Kumar, CEO, Ontoborn Technologies, Mr.Shashikanth Jayaraman, CEO & Principal Advisor, Hex Advisory (P) Ltd and founder of HR Sangam, Mr. T.Udayakumar, Finance Director, CMWSSB, Mr. Antony Vishal Francis, Senior Marketing Analyst, Pramati Technologies, and Ms. Kripadevi Dharmaraj, Founder & CEO, MC’s Lunch.
Management Development Programme on “Leveraging on CSR for Creating Shared Value” with association with GGS Information Services Pvt. Ltd. – Organised on 6th October, 2017 Resource Persons:Mr Hemantha Kumar Pamarthy, Consultant of CII, Ms Gazal Raina, CSR Lead, Ford Motors, Mr Karthik Ramaswamy, KPMG, Ms Latha Suresh, Director, Social Audit Network India, Ms. Sanjula Bai, Country Head of CSR and AVP, Wells Fargo EGS India Ltd, Dr.Samip Baruah, Head, International Sales, ITC Ltd.
World Pharmacist Day Celebration on 25th September 2017
Reminiscence 2017- A panel discussion with an objective to bridge Industry-Academia gap – Organised on 23rd, September 2017 Resource Person: Mr. Shankar Ramamurthy, Associate Director- Projects, Cognizent Technologies Solution, Mr. Karthikeyan, Senior Business HR Manager, Innova Solutions, Mr. Sridharan Siva, Head – Brand and Digital Marketing, Redington India Ltd. and student representatives from elite institutions.
2 days National Conference on “Sustainable Clean Water Technology SCWT17” during 21-22 Sep 2017
Inauguration of School of Law on 20th September 2017 The Crescent School of Law was inaugurated by the Honorable former judge of the Supreme Court of India Hon’ble Justice Justice Ibrahim khalilifullah in the presence of former High Court Judges Hon’ble Justice K. M. Basha and Hon’ble Justice Akbar Ali on 20th September 2017. There was galaxy of eminent personalities by every walks of life including the former judges, advocates, VIPs, Parents and students. There was an interesting interactive session between the judges and students after the inauguration.
Hands On Training Workshop On Analysis And Design Of Structures On 20/09/2017 To 22/09/2017
Guest Lecture on “Bridges” conducted on 15th September 2017
Entrepreneurship Development cell is organizing an Entrepreneurship awareness drive for Civil Engineering Department students on 12/9/2017
Rally For Rivers
Inaugural Function of civil societies on 28.08.2017
Crescent School Of Pharmacy – Inauguration on 23rd August 2017
The inauguration of the society activities for the academic year 2017-2018 was held on 22.08.2017 The inauguration of the society activities for the academic year 2017-2018 was held on 22.08.2017. The annual report of the society activities for academic year 2016-2017 is attached here
Swachh Bharath Campus Cleaning – Campus cleaning Drive To observe Swachh Bharath, campus cleaning was done on 21 and 22.08.2017. More than 20 volunteers participated. During 11-13th of October 2017, Campus cleaning was done in B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent University NSS volunteers were divided into teams for cleaning the campus around KBA men’s Hostel. Dr.N. Hajarabeevi, NSS Programme Coordinator organized the programme. More than 30 students participated in this programme.
Value Added Course On Revit Architecture
A motivational workshop on Innovation was conducted on 19.08.2017 A motivational workshop on Innovation in Association with the local chapter of International Development Innovation Network (IDIN) was conducted on 19.08.2017. A brief report and event photos are attached here
Incinerator Gifted To Government High College on 10th August 2017 On behalf of Crescent NSS Unit, Dr. N. Hajara Beevi, NSS coordinator gifted incinerator to Government High School, Madampakkam, Adanur Panchayat on 10th August 2017 for the benefit of girl students.
“International conference on Advances in Design, Materials, Manufacturing and Surface Engineering for Mobility (ADMMS 2017) – July 19-21, 2017” The department organizes the national level student’s symposium “Confluence” every year. Varieties of competitive events like paper presentation, Design contest, Quiz programme, Water Rocketry, Robo Golf are organized.
Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Research Methodology and Data analysis using SPSS and AMOS” – Organised on 13th to 19th, July 2017 Resource Person: Dr. T.J. Kamalanabhan and Dr. Thenmozhi, Professors from IIT-M, Dr. Ravanan, Professor, Presidency College, Dr. Jayanth Jacob, Assoc. Professor, Anna University, Dr.V. Murugesan, Registrar, B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology, Dr. Haider Yasmeen, Prof/HoD, DoMS, B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology.
Personality Development Through Traffic Awareness Event Our NSS volunteers, every Thursdays are involved in regulating vehicle movement and also in creating awareness on road safety management.

“SAEISS Tractor Design Competition – 2018” on June 21-23, 2018 Team CRESTRAC – A group of B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology Mechanical Engineering students have participated in Tractor Design Challenge, organized by SAE INDIA southern section. It is an all India level competition. They have secured second place for durability.

Ped – Yoga Awarness Programme on June 21, 2018 You all must be aware of the “International Yoga Day Celebration” conducted in our institute on June 21, 2018. As a part of this event, A yoga awareness programme has been conducted successfully on 13/07/2018 at main auditorium. We thank our management, VC sir and registrar for giving us such a wonderful opportunity to conduct this event. On behalf of Physical Education Department, we thank the Students and staff members who all actively involved and participated.

A Promo seminar on “Significance of learning law” A promo seminar was conducted near Nagercoil – a place called Thiruvithancode in association with Islamic Model Matriculation School on 28th April,2018. The Seminar highlighted the topic “Significance of learning law” and to make people aware of the basic tenets of law.

One Day Workshop On “Engine Dismantling And Assembly” An one day workshop titled “Engine Dismantling and Assembling” was organized under ASME with 27 participants on 25-04-2018. The workshop was targeted mainly undergraduate students of I, II and III year students. The objective of the workshop was to understand and realize the components/parts present in the two wheeler vehicle for the beginners. In the workshop was inaugurated by Dr. Prince Arockia Doss, Professor/ Mechanical Engg. And further the sessions are started with the power point presentations detailed the components/parts present in the TVS Scooty. Our students Mr. Dharanivel A.S.A, Mr. Adithya R, Mr. Ajay Krishna R were given the presentation. And the session started with dismantling and assembling of TVS scooty. And the participants were asked to participate in dismantling and each and every single parts of vehicle were explained to the participants. The doubts raised by the participants were cleared with answers. Finally the participants are requested to assemble the vehicle. The real in hands training motivated the participants and the expressed their happiness in the closing ceremony of the workshop.

“Technical symposium INERTIA 2K18” Technical symposium INERTIA 2K18 organised by the department of Mechanical Engineering was held on 12.04.2018.
Special Lecture by Adv. Sirajuddheen, Supreme Court Of India In order to provide legal skill and art a special lecture class was conducted on 11.04.2018 and Advocate Sirajudeen of Supreme Court of India spoke on the occasion.

One day national level workshop on “Friction Material Concepts: Formulation, Testing & Environmental Issues” was conducted by the Department of Mechanical Engineering on 10th April 2018

Civiclan 2k18 – A National Level Technical Symposium (26th March 2018)

Guest lecture on “Hybrid Nuclear Renewable Integrated Energy system” by Dr. Siddharth Suman from I.I.T Patna was organized by “Centre for Energy Research studies and Department of Mechanical Engineering” on 26th March 2018. The guest lecture was organized by “Centre for Energy Research studies and Department of Mechanical Engineering” on 26.3.2018. The guest Dr. Siddharth Suman from I.I.T, Patna has delivered lecture on “Hybrid Nuclear Renewable Integrated Energy system”. Around 10 faculty members and 100 students from various disciplines (Mechanical, Civil, Electrical & Electronics, polymer and Automobile) were participated and benefitted. He highlighted about the integrated facilities comprised of nuclear reactors, renewable energy generation and industrial processes for the need of grid flexibility, green house gas emission reductions and optimal use of investment capital.

National Integration Camp from 24.03.2018-30.03.2018 National integration camp was organized by NSS State cell, Bangalore from 24.03.2018 – 30.03.2018 at Davanagere University, Davanagere (Karnataka). 10 NSS volunteers have attended for the National Integration camp under NSS Programme Coordinator Dr.N. Hajarabeevi. The objective of this camp was to integrate the volunteers, culture, and language of different states of India. All the students are divided into 6 groups. .Every day students all woke up at 5 AM to be ready for the Flag hosting and yoga. After the exercise they got out for breakfast. Then they involved in cleaning the campus of the university as a part of swachhbharat. Each of the groups was assigned different parts of campus to clean. Then we had lunch and after which the evening was started with cultural program of different states each day. Our Institution performed the cultural programme on Thursday. On fifth day students went for a visit to chitradurga rock fort. There was a large historical fort on the base of rocky hills with many doors & amp; carvings at the main entrance. Finally the programme was ended with distribution of token of gratitude for each participants and volunteers and the staff involved. We celebrated the vote of thanks with wearing traditional dresses. It was really a nice experience to met new people and culture. Our students learnt the real meaning of this camp. Our dance, play and singing were praised by the audience. It was really a prideful and unforgettable moment for us.

‘Water Conclave’ – 22nd March 2018 (Organised By The Indian Express & Nippon Paint)

World Water Day Celebration – 22nd March 2018

Two Days Workshop On Structural Engineering Software (Etabs & Staadpro) During 21st & 22nd March 2018

The department of Mechanical Engineering in association with Techniche organized a 2 day workshop on autonomous robot building on 14th and 15th of March 2018. Report on workshop on Techno

Workshop On Kkm Soft – Autodesk For Pre-Final Year Students – From 13th To 15th March 2018

NSS Special Camp (09.03.18 to 15.03.18) NSS special camp was held at Kattur panchayat and adanur panchayat during 09.03.18 to 15.03.18. The camp started on 09.03.18 with a formal inauguration. On 10.03.18, NSS student volunteers are involved in cleaning school premises,Lakes painting school buildings etc. NSS student volunteers also distributed pamphlets to the public in and around the adopted village regarding the training programme to be conducted by the self help group on 11.03.18 and for the free Medical camp to be held on 14.03.18. They also involved themselves in the removal of dangerous Karuvelam Tree (Juki flora) removal around the school premises. Valediction and prize distribution was held on 15.03.18.

Women’s Day Celebration on 8.03.2018 In association with Women’s grievances cell, Women’s day was celebrated on 8.03.2018. A lecture was given to women staff to save energy.

International Women’s Day on March 8, 2018
The Crescent School of Law conducted the International Women’s Day on March 8, 2018.It was a good session and the students expressed their views about rampant ratio of crime against women and children and also suggested the ways and means for minimizing such crimes by way of stringent punishment and punitive law.

IPA National Convention on 10 & 11 February 2018

Two Days National level workshop on “ADVANCED COMPOSITE MATERIALS – A RESEARCH PERSPECTIVE” was organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering on 2nd and 3rd February 2018 Composites workshop – report

Regreen Chennai Omr Marathon on 17th December 2017
Our NSS volunteers participated in the OMR Marathon powered by Rotary on 17th December 2017. More than 70 volunteers participated in the event.

Tree Plantation At Kba Men’s Hostel On 23.11.17 Tree plantation around KBA Men’s Hostel was done on 23.11.17. 15 saplings were planted in and around KBA Men’s Hostel by NSS volunteers. More than 30 students were participated in tree plantation programme. Dr.S.Kajamohideen presided over the function.

One Day National Competition On “Connecting People To Nature” Was Conducted For School Students During 21st November 2017

Guest lecture on Spatial Structures by Dr. Yazmin Sahol Hamid, Senior Lecturer, UiTM, Malaysia on November 16th, 2017

One Week Guest Lecture On Advanced Concrete Design For B.Tech Final Year Civil Engineering Students From Nov 13 2017 To Nov 17, 2017 by Dr. Yazmin Shahol Hamid, Professor Uitm Malaysia

Bharath Unnath Abiyan NSS volunteers of B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology observed Bharath Unnath Abiyan (Usage of computer) and gave on first aid training to the students of Governments High School, Otteri and Manivakkam on 11.11.17. More than 20 NSS volunteers participated in this campaign.

Value added program on 3D studio max from 8.11.2017 to 1.12.2017

Tree Plantation Drive On 26.10.17 Tree plantation drive was held on 26.10.17. Our NSS volunteers actively participated in the drive.

Inauguration of Crescent Society of Automobile Engineers on 25.10.2017 Inauguration of Crescent Society of Automobile Engineers on 25.10.2017, The chief guest of honour Mr. G. Ramesh, Plant head – Takata India Pvt. Ltd

National Conference on “Higher Education and Career opportunities” – Organised on 10th October, 2017 Resource Persons:Dr. Kannan Gireesh, Psychiatrist, Founder and CEO of Live Life Education Pvt. Ltd, Mr.Kalyan Sundaram, IA &AS Officer (Retired), Director, Excell Career IAS Academy, Mr. M.Sundaram, Executive-Director, Super Forge Pvt.Ltd., Mr.R.Jithendra Kumar, CEO, Ontoborn Technologies, Mr.Shashikanth Jayaraman, CEO & Principal Advisor, Hex Advisory (P) Ltd and founder of HR Sangam, Mr. T.Udayakumar, Finance Director, CMWSSB, Mr. Antony Vishal Francis, Senior Marketing Analyst, Pramati Technologies, and Ms. Kripadevi Dharmaraj, Founder & CEO, MC’s Lunch.

Management Development Programme on “Leveraging on CSR for Creating Shared Value” with association with GGS Information Services Pvt. Ltd. – Organised on 6th October, 2017 Resource Persons:Mr Hemantha Kumar Pamarthy, Consultant of CII, Ms Gazal Raina, CSR Lead, Ford Motors, Mr Karthik Ramaswamy, KPMG, Ms Latha Suresh, Director, Social Audit Network India, Ms. Sanjula Bai, Country Head of CSR and AVP, Wells Fargo EGS India Ltd, Dr.Samip Baruah, Head, International Sales, ITC Ltd.

World Pharmacist Day Celebration on 25th September 2017

Reminiscence 2017- A panel discussion with an objective to bridge Industry-Academia gap – Organised on 23rd, September 2017 Resource Person: Mr. Shankar Ramamurthy, Associate Director- Projects, Cognizent Technologies Solution, Mr. Karthikeyan, Senior Business HR Manager, Innova Solutions, Mr. Sridharan Siva, Head – Brand and Digital Marketing, Redington India Ltd. and student representatives from elite institutions.

2 days National Conference on “Sustainable Clean Water Technology SCWT17” during 21-22 Sep 2017
Department of polymer engineering and polymer nanotechnology center organized 2 days National Conference on “Sustainable Clean Water Technology SCWT17” during 21-22 Sep 2017 at B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology

Inauguration of School of Law on 20th September 2017 The Crescent School of Law was inaugurated by the Honorable former judge of the Supreme Court of India Hon’ble Justice Justice Ibrahim khalilifullah in the presence of former High Court Judges Hon’ble Justice K. M. Basha and Hon’ble Justice Akbar Ali on 20th September 2017. There was galaxy of eminent personalities by every walks of life including the former judges, advocates, VIPs, Parents and students. There was an interesting interactive session between the judges and students after the inauguration.

Hands On Training Workshop On Analysis And Design Of Structures On 20/09/2017 To 22/09/2017

Guest Lecture on “Bridges” conducted on 15th September 2017

Entrepreneurship Development cell is organizing an Entrepreneurship awareness drive for Civil Engineering Department students on 12/9/2017

Rally For Rivers
Our NSS volunteers participated in the ‘Rally for Rivers’ campaign led by spiritual guru Jaggi Vasudev of the Isha Foundation aimed at planting buffer of trees along every river to replenish groundwater and to stop climate change held during September 11, 2017.

Inaugural Function of civil societies on 28.08.2017

Crescent School Of Pharmacy – Inauguration on 23rd August 2017

The inauguration of the society activities for the academic year 2017-2018 was held on 22.08.2017 The inauguration of the society activities for the academic year 2017-2018 was held on 22.08.2017. The annual report of the society activities for academic year 2016-2017 is attached here

Swachh Bharath Campus Cleaning – Campus cleaning Drive To observe Swachh Bharath, campus cleaning was done on 21 and 22.08.2017. More than 20 volunteers participated. During 11-13th of October 2017, Campus cleaning was done in B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent University NSS volunteers were divided into teams for cleaning the campus around KBA men’s Hostel. Dr.N. Hajarabeevi, NSS Programme Coordinator organized the programme. More than 30 students participated in this programme.

Value Added Course On Revit Architecture

A motivational workshop on Innovation was conducted on 19.08.2017 A motivational workshop on Innovation in Association with the local chapter of International Development Innovation Network (IDIN) was conducted on 19.08.2017. A brief report and event photos are attached here
Incinerator Gifted To Government High College on 10th August 2017 On behalf of Crescent NSS Unit, Dr. N. Hajara Beevi, NSS coordinator gifted incinerator to Government High School, Madampakkam, Adanur Panchayat on 10th August 2017 for the benefit of girl students.

“International conference on Advances in Design, Materials, Manufacturing and Surface Engineering for Mobility (ADMMS 2017) – July 19-21, 2017” The department organizes the national level student’s symposium “Confluence” every year. Varieties of competitive events like paper presentation, Design contest, Quiz programme, Water Rocketry, Robo Golf are organized.

Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Research Methodology and Data analysis using SPSS and AMOS” – Organised on 13th to 19th, July 2017 Resource Person: Dr. T.J. Kamalanabhan and Dr. Thenmozhi, Professors from IIT-M, Dr. Ravanan, Professor, Presidency College, Dr. Jayanth Jacob, Assoc. Professor, Anna University, Dr.V. Murugesan, Registrar, B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology, Dr. Haider Yasmeen, Prof/HoD, DoMS, B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology.

Personality Development Through Traffic Awareness Event Our NSS volunteers, every Thursdays are involved in regulating vehicle movement and also in creating awareness on road safety management.