Events 2013-2014
construzone-Techfest “2014” – Intradepartmental Technical Symposium (March 2014)

Organized a NSS special camp at Kumuzhi from 14th to 20th March 2014

Tree Plantation Drive On 17.03.2014
NSS units organized a tree plantation programme on 17.03.2014. Prof S.Kaja Mohideen Dean (SECS) of B.S Abdur Rahman Institute initiated the event. More than 100 saplings were planted at Karanaipuducherry.
NSS Eye Camp on 16.03.2014 in association with Singvi Trust
An Eye camp was organized on 16.03.2014 in association with Singvi Trust. 100 spectacles were distributed to the people of Kumuzhi. More than 10 people underwent eye surgery in Ramachandara Medical Hospital, Porur
Awareness Programme On Right To Vote On 16th March 2014
Our NSS unit organised awareness program a rally on 16th March 2014 “towards “Right to vote” at Kovalam Beach.

National Seminar on “Recent Advances In Flow Measurements And Test Techniques” on March 14, 2014
The department organized a one-day national seminar on “Recent Advances in flow measurements and test techniques” in association with Aeronautical Society of India (Chennai Chapter), on March 14, 2014. Prof. V. Kanagarajan, Pandalai Chair, Department of Aerospace Engineering, MIT, Chennai and Chairman, Aeronautical Society of India (Chennai Branch) inaugurated the seminar.

Women’s Day Celebrations On 8th March 2014
On 8th March 2014, NSS volunteers celebrated Women’s day celebration. Prof. Kamatchi of SIVET, Gowrivakkam, Chennai was the cheif guest for the event.

Blind Empowernment Champions
Dr. N. Hajara Beevi, NSS coordinator received Indian association for blind gave the Blind Empowernment Champions-2014 Award on 14.02.2014.

Tree Plantation Drive On 26.01.2014
Our NSS unit organized a tree plantation programme on 26.01.2014. Prof J.A.K Tareen Vice Chancellor of B.S Abdur Rahman Institute initiated the event. More than 50 saplings were planted near the Hostel premise of the Institute.

A guest lecture by Ms. Ramya Rajendran on “Effects of Lightening on Aircraft Structures” on January 24, 2014

Cruize 2K13 – Inter College Management Fest – Organised on 11th December, 2013


International Conference on “Nanomaterials: Science, Technology and Applications” during 5-7 December, 2013
Department of polymer engineering and polymer nanotechnology center organized an International Conference on “Nanomaterials: Science, Technology and Applications” during 5-7 December, 2013 jointly with Deakin University, Australia and University Technology, MARA, Malaysia. 25 invited lectures from experts from our country and USA, UK, Australia, Malaysia, Brazil, South Africa and France participated.

Inter-Collegiate Technical Symposium “Jet Screech 2013” on October 3, 2013
Inter-collegiate Technical symposium comprising of Paper presentation, Aircraft failure analysis, Technical Quiz, Aircrash Investigation and Water Rocketry called “Jet screech” was organized by the students of the department on October 3, 2013. Dr. P. Baskaran, Professor, Tagore Engineering College, Chennai, inaugurated the event.

National level student technical symposium Auto Hunt 2013 on October 1st 2013.
National level student technical symposium Auto Hunt 2013 on October 1st 2013. Mr. P. Arjun Raj, Deputy Manager, Mahindra and Mahindra and Mr. K. Aravind, Bosch India ltd were the chief guests of honour. Over 240 students from engineering institutions from all over the state participated.

Inauguration of Association of Aerospace Engineers (AAE) and the activities of Aeronautical Society of India – Students’ Chapter for the year 2013-14
The Association of Aerospace Engineers (AAE) of the Department of Aerospace Engineering and the Activities of Aeronautical Society of India – ‘Students Chapter’ for the year 2013 – 14 was inaugurated by Prof. V. Kanagarajan, Pandalai Chair, Department of Aerospace Engineering, MIT, Chennai and Chairman, Aeronautical Society of India (Chennai Branch) on September 23, 2013