Crescent Creative Strokes
Founded in August 2017
Talent, creativity, productivity, and achievement are terms that define the Club “Crescent Creative Strokes” by motivating the students to reach their maximum creative potential and to Show case their talents in the field of Art. Professional trainings will be given to students from experienced artist. The activities that they take part in are imaginative, enjoyable and educational. Creativity and innovation are the keys to success in today’s rapidly changing world. We make a difference by challenging the conventional thoughts and promoting innovative ideas. Crescent Institute of science & Technology provides a great opportunity for such young enthusiast to Come, Create and Share.
To teach different art forms, promote and support the art enthusiasts, to propagate and contribute to special occasion activities held at BSA Crescent Institute of Science & Technology.
Crescent Institute of Science & Technology students are welcome to join the Club.
Planning & execution: Club includes timely activities such as
Activities in the year 2021
Pencil Portrait Workshop

Pencil Portrait Workshop was held on 28th December 2021. The topic of the workshop was “Basics on Pencil portrait and color pencil sketching”. In this workshop, students were taught about the basics of portrait drawing and color pencil sketching. The workshop was conducted by Angelin Priscilla.S.
Date: 28/12/2021
Venue: M.S. Block, Seminar Hall
Time: 10 A.M – 4 P.M
Students were enlightened on the basics of pencil portraits. This was a full day workshop and the students were provided certificates at the end.
Art Fête

An online event was held on April 15th, 2021 named ART FETE. This event was held to appreciate different forms of arts on ‘INTERNATIONAL ART DAY’ and also for them to enjoy each other’s artworks.

For the students being held captive at home during lockdown, this artwork showed that the skills of the artists were not even deterred a bit. The students enjoyed a lot during this art process.
Another task was SKETCH PRONTO, where participants were given a topic and a time of 3 hours to draw and the artworks were to be submitted through an online portal. Prizes were distributed to the best artworks. The students had a lot of fun and at the same time gained knowledge based on artworks.
The prize winners of the ‘Sketch Pronto’ were:
1. Maryam Mahboobha
2. Thanvi Vedam
3. A. Afrin Nisha
The prize winners of the ‘Art Trivia’ were:
1. Maryam. B
2. R K Banu Prabha
3. Jabeer. J
Online pencil portrait workshop by Harini and Angelin Priscilla

The aim of this workshop was to give students a knowledge about making graphite pencil portraits. Two sessions were held on 8th and 9th May between 3:45pm to 6:00pm where students were taught to draw a portrait with grid method along with dimensions and proportions.Students were enlightened on the basics of pencil portraits and were provided e-certificates at the end.
First Interactive Meet with first year students

Monthly task (2021):

The topic for the monthly task in December was ‘Christmas’. Several entries were received with the talent of the students shining through their artworks. The Winners were:
1st PLACE – J.CHANDHINI, B.Tech Biotechnology 3rd year.
2nd PLACE – LAKSHMI PRIYA S, MBA 2nd year.
3rd PLACE – SWADHI S, M.Sc Physics, 1st year.
There were also Special mentions :
1. Jayashree R, B.A.-L.L.B., 2nd year
2. Gomathiswari.K, BCA -CTIS, 2nd year
The topic for the monthly task in November was ‘Rain’. Several entries were received with the talent of the students shining through their artwork.
The Winners were:
1st place – Maryam Mahboobha, 2nd year, B.Sc biotechnology
2nd place – Rina Fathima, 3rd year ,BA
3rd place – Gomathiswari K, 2nd year, BCA-CTIS

The topic for the monthly task in October was ‘Stipple Art’.Several entries were received with the talent of the students shining through their artwork.
The Winners were:
1st prize – GOMATHISWARI.K, 2ndyear, BCA-CTIS.
2nd prize – SAKTHIVEL.R, 3rd year, BCA-MAIS.
3rd prize – LAKSHMI PRIYA, 2nd year, MBA.
There was also a Special mention:
SHREENIDHI.S, 2nd year B.tech, Biotechnology.

Monthly tasks were resumed from the month of September. The topic given was ‘Mandala Art’. Many entries were collected and the best artworks were selected to be put up on display in our college institution.
The Winners were:
1st place-Maryam Mahboobha, 2nd year, B.Sc Biotechnology
2nd place-Harini, 3rd year, ECE
3rd place-Fathima Ismail, 2nd year b.tech CSE
There were also Special mentions:
1.Reshma Nagarajan, 1st year B.com
2.Meharunisha, 2nd year B.Sc biotechnology
Art Wall Painting
Event :Art Wall Painting
Conducted by: Crescent Creative Strokes
Period of time: 5 Days (20/02/2021 to 25/02/2021)
Venue: Crescent Innovation and Incubation Council
About the Event
Team “Crescent Creative Strokes” has arranged a art wall painting to the students of B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute Of Science And Technology inside Crescent Innovation and Incubation Council which is located at Seethakathi Estate, Vandalur, Chennai-48.
The artwork took nearly 5 days from 20/02/2021 to 25/02/2021.
The art work started from morning to evening. Students from all departments volunteered till the completion of the wall. The main aim of the artwork which was done inside the Crescent Innovation and Incubation Council is for improving the skills and knowledge among the students, and to also spread knowledge regarding art.
The art wall painting had come to an end by colorful dreams of space and life science and also regarding life. The front wall had been painted keeping in mind the idea of doodles which is related to life science and the back wall used the concept of space and life science. Water paint has been used to color the walls and give it a beautiful picture. Lastly, it is not about painting the wall,but about improving our skills and knowledge regarding our passion and to improve our self.
Wall Painting

Completion of Art

Wall painting Team

Activities in the year 2020
Mural Art Wall Painting
Event : Mural Art Wall Painting
Conducted by: Crescent Creative Strokes
Period of time: 15 Days (21/02/2020 to 04/03/2020)
Venue: 1st Year Canteen
About the Event
Team “Crescent Creative Strokes” has arranged a mural art wall painting to the students of B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute Of Science And Technology near 1st year canteen which is located near the Life Science Block.
Our team’s faculty in charge, Dr. E. Syed Mohamed, inaugurated the event by introducing about the club CCS and welcomed the PRO VC, Academic Dean Affairs, Register and Senior General Manager. The art work took nearly 15 days from 21/02/2020 to 04/03/2020.
The art work started from morning to evening. Students from all departments volunteered till the completion of the wall. The main aim of the art work which has done in the 1st year canteen is for improving the skills and knowledge among the students. And to spread the knowledge regarding the art.
The mural art wall painting has come to end by colorful dreams of the future citizens. It’s not about painting the wall it’s about improving our skills and knowledge regarding our passion and improve our self.
Days During Art

Completion of Art

Activities in the year 2019
Art Decathon
The inauguration ceremony started at 10 a.m. in Mechanical Science Seminar Hall. The guests of honor were Dr. A. Azad – Registrar, Dr. M. S.Haji Sheik Mohammed – Dean of Academic Affairs, Dr. Nikhat M Hamza –Director (HR& FTA) and Dr. S. Rasool Mohideen – Dean of Mechanical Sciences.

The ceremony was compered by Ms. Angelin Priscilla – Inventory Manager. It started with Qirat which was recited by Mr.Ozair – Volunteer Head. A short introduction about the program and the club was provided by Ms. Ilakkiya – Ms.Lead, followed by the welcome speech delivered by Dr. E.Syed Mohamed – Staff Coordinator. The students were enlightened by the motivational speech conveyed by each guest. The inauguration was finally signed off with the Vote of Thanks by Ms. Hikhmathunnisa S.N. – Club Manager.

Various colorful events such as Rangoli, Face painting, Sculpturez, Mehandi, Calligraphy, Pictionary, Blind Attack and Do What I Say were organized simultaneously in the morning session at the Food court and Mechanical Science block. Pictionary and Do What I Say were conducted in two rounds to finalize the winners. The students enthusiastically participated in almost all events.
Dr. Moon Moon Hussain – Assistant Professor of Economics Department was the judge for Rangoli. Rest of the events were judged by the office bearers of the club. The winners for these events were finalized before the afternoon session.
Face painting
Lemon & spoon
The most awaited phase of the event by the students was held in the afternoon. Traditional fun filled games such as Tug of War and Lemon & Spoon were conducted at Basket Ball court by the board members. Finally the winners were selected and the occasion ended around 3:30 pm.

The winners for all the events were announced at 3:40 pm in the Mechanical Science Seminar Hall and the certificates were distributed jointly by Ms. Ashika – President of the club and Dr. E.Syed Mohamed – Staff Coordinator.
Certification of appreciation

An overwhelming 500 students participated in Art Decathon which was organized by the joint effort of CCS office bearers and student volunteers from different departments. The participants were from various departments and programs of the Institute covering students from first year to final year group.

Crescent Creative Strokes – Art Decathon Inaugural program on 08.08.2019
Spray Painting Workshop
Spray Painting
Spray paint art uses spray painting on a non-porous material, such as wood, metal, glass, ceramic or plastic.
Spray paint art is usually street art, in large cities. Themes may include surreal landscapes of planets, comets, pyramids, cities, and nature scenes.
Event: Spray Painting Workshop
Conducted By: Crescent Creative Strokes
Date: Feb 15th 2019
Venue: Life Science Block 201 (LS 201)
By: Ashok Kumar Pandurangan

About The Workshop:
Our creative team has planned to organise the one day workshop based on spray painting.
Since the previous semester workshop on pencil portrait, oil painting has reached a great success, students were requesting us to conduct more workshop, so we planned to conduct spray painting workshop this month.
Unfortunately last two workshop was conducted on weekend and some of our student who were interested was unable to attend, so this time we are kindly request you to permit us to conduct in any one of the further coming working days of this month (February).
Morning Session
Session Briefing

Morning session started at 10 0’clock at L.S.Block room no:201, Our team’s faculty in charge, Dr. E.Syed Mohammed, inaugurated the event by introducing about the club ccs and welcomed the artist Dr.Ashok Kumar Pandurangan & Dr. Karthikeyan Ramalingam /SLS, motivated the students to attend the workshops.
As Dr.Ashok Kumar Pandurangan started sharing about the presentation of this workshop and conducted practice sessions for spray painting that includes concepts like ‘simple moon art’ identifying basic techniques. Students working on their Artworks.
Afternoon Session
It started at 1:40pm to 4pm and the evening session included more detailed concepts like galaxy art, nature art, time lapse techniques, Finally, ending the session the beach site using all the knowledge & techniques gained whole day. The event ended by issuing the certificates to students who attended the workshop and successfully gained more techniques and knowledge to become a professional artist. Hands on Guidance.

Finally the session ended with Successful Workshop. The students want to conduct like this workshop in advance level.
Monthly Events – August 2019
Topic: Space

Winner – Ms.Saira Begum, First year
Runner up – Ms.Divya Lakshmi, First year
Monthly Events – JAN 2019:Seasons

Activities in the year 2018
Oil Painting Workshop
Event: Oil painting workshop
Conducted By: Crescent Creative Strokes
Date: 9th October 2018
Venue: COE Seminar hall, ES Block
About The Artist:
Ramya Sadasivam is a self-taught, freelance artist based on Chennai, who is passionate about art since childhood. Her interest and dedication towards oil painting is depicted in her hyper realistic paintings which deserved the national award. She has always considered herself as a secret admirer of the situation and try to capture their emotions, admiring them. Being optimistic, her sincere note to all the art enthusiasts is to not give up at any cost because,” Better practice leads to better artwork”.
About The Event:
Team ‘Crescent Creative Strokes’ had arranged an oil painting workshop to the students of B.S.Abdur rahman crescent institute of science and technology and also to few other willing people from Chennai , Contacting the artists and made the required arrangements.
Our dean student affairs, Major general Gurdeep Naurang and our club’s faculty incharge Dr.E.Syed Mohamed, inaugurated the event by welcoming the Artist Ramya sadasivam.
Morning session started at 10’0 clock at COE seminar hall, ES block, as Artist Ramya sadasivam started sharing about the basics of oil painting and why. She also explained about the preparation of base on canvas for oil painting and concepts like “light on objects” & different “toner values” were taught to paint the base of the real object (Guava) placed in front of students.
Lunch break was given at 12.40 to 1.40pm.
Afternoon session included the application of paint over the base already painted. She also explained about the different toner values to be used for shading, mid tone and high lighting regions which depicted hyper realism in every student’s canvas.
Finally the session ended with the distribution of certificates to all the participants of the workshop who successfully gained some practical knowledge hyper realistic oil painting. Also the do’s and don’ts in oil painting from artist Ramya sadasivam.
Morning Session

Afternoon Session

Pencil Portrait Workshop
Event: Pencil Portrait Workshop
Conducted By: Crescent Creative Strokes
Date: 4th August 2018
Venue: M.S.Block Room No: 301
About The Artist:
Ms.Sandhya Swaminathan, An Amazing Self-Taught Artist, Who Has A Huge Following In Social Media As Her Color Pencil Portraits OfCelebrities And People Depicts Hyper Realism. She Quit Her Monotonous Job To Find Her Flow Of Pencil Portrait Sketching. She Made Use Of Social Media To Showcase Her Works Which Received A Great Success. She Continuously Updated Her Skills And Started Sharing Her Knowledge To Public By Conducting Workshops
Around Tamilnadu.
About The Artist:
Ms.Sandhya Swaminathan, an amazing self-taught artist, who has a huge following in social media as her color pencil portraits of celebrities and people depicts hyper realism. She quit her monotonous job to find her flow of pencil portrait sketching. She made use of social media to showcase her works which received a great success. She continuously updated her skills and started sharing her knowledge to public by conducting workshops around Tamilnadu.
About The Event:
Team ‘crescent creative strokes’ has arranged a pencil portrait workshop to the students of B.S. Abdur Rahman crescent institute of science and technology and to few other willing people from Chennai, contacting the artist and made the required arrangements from travel bookings, buying materials required, hostel stay ,food arrangements etc.,
Our team’s faculty in charge, Dr. E. Syed Mohammed, inaugurated the event by introducing about the club ccs and welcomed the artist Ms.Sandhya Swaminathan.
Morning session started at 11 0’clock at M.S. Block room no :301 ,as Sandhya Swaminathan started sharing about basic tips and conducted practice sessions for drawing that includes concepts like ‘light on object’, identifying basic shapes and shading techniques.
Lunch break was given at 12:40 to 1:40pm and the evening session included more detailed concepts like front, side and slightly turned view face sketching, hair strokes sketching and colouring techniques, Finally, ending the session with drawing a face from reference picture given using all the knowledge & techniques gained whole day. The event ended by issuing the certificates to students who attended the workshop and successfully gained more techniques and knowledge to become a professional artist.
Morning Session:

Evening Session:

Monthly Events And Workshops 2018, August 4th, Pencil Portrait Workshop By Ms. Sandhya Swaminathan
Monthly Events (2017-2018)

(Made In 2 Days)

(Made In Half A Day)

Name | Year of study | Department | Post |
Angelin Priscilla.s | I | M.Tech (Biotechnology) | President |
Waasif ur Rahman | III | B.Tech(ECE) | Secretary |
Sakthivel. R | III | BCA | Operations Head |
Karthikeya | III | B.Tech(CSE) | Treasurer |
Harini S | III | BCA Data Science | Volunteer Head |
Founders | ||||
Abinitha S Department of CSE |
Mohamed Aqil Department of CSE |
Arshiya Reema J School of Life Science |
Student Coordinator (Year 2017-2018) | ||||
Raashid | ||||
Convener (2018-2019) | ||||
CCS LEAD – Mohamed Wasim CCS LEAD – Avilala Kartick |
CCS LEAD – Nivetha Artist 2k18 – Priyadarshini |
Student Coordinator (2018-2019) | ||||
Ameenudin Anwar Aafrin Ashika |