Research Activities
Workshop on How to Publish a High Impact Research Article? Held on 29th May 2021. Event Report
Workshop Abstract Writing for Early Career Researchers 20th May 2021. Event Report
Hands-on workshop on effective usage of Origin 8.0 held on 29th September 2021. Event Report
A two-day workshop on ‘Writing for Research Purpose’ (19 & 20 July 2019)

The Office of Dean (Research) in association with the department of English of B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology organized a two day workshop on “Writing for Research Purpose” during 19 – 20 July 2019. The objective of this workshop is to enhance research skills of researchers in writing quality research articles and thesis effectively. The workshop was organized under the guidance of Honorable Vice Chancellor of the Institution.
Dr.H.Sofia, Associate Professor (English) & Convener welcomed the gathering and Dr. A.Azad, Registrar has mentioned in his speech about how to focus on quality research. Dr.Ayub Khan Dawood has mentioned in his speech about how to follow the ethics in Research.
Dr.I.Raja Mohamed, Dean(Research) has explained about and importance of plagiarism and awareness of predatory journals for the scholars and faculty members as per UGC Regulations. Dr. Md Khurshid, Deputy Dean (Research) and Dr.E.Syed Mohamed, Assistant Dean(Research) emphasized the need for avoiding predatory journals, publishing articles in peer reviewed journal, Plagiarism Issues and Anti Plagiarism tools respectively. Dr.S.Vijayakumar, Assistant Professor (English) has explained in his lecture about Structuring a thesis and Research paper. Dr.Albert P’ Rayan and Dr.Antony Samy are external resource persons and provided inputs about the Mechanics of Writing Research Articles and Citations respectively. The Process of writing an Academic Research paper covered by Dr.K.Ganesh.
Totally 100 participants attended this workshop and it inspired all the researchers to identify research problems in an efficient way to carry out research work which should be for the betterment of society.
Introduction to Anveshan- Student Research Convention – 2019

Venue: Seminar Hall, Mechanical Science Block
Chaired by: Prof. T Harianarayana, Director (ESPAC)
Prof. T Harianarayana sir has addressed all the research scholars regarding importance of Anveshan- Student Research Convention – 2019.
The Research Scholars Convention is an attempt to strengthen a culture of research in our university. Inter University student research convention – 2019 will be organized at five zones in India. For south Zone, the Inter University student research convention – 2019 will be organized at Vignan’s Foundation for Science Technology & Research, Guntur district Andhra Pradesh, India
The areas/fields in which Individual and Group Projects* are invited:
- Agriculture
- Basic Sciences
- Engineering & Technology
- Health Sciences and Allied Subjects, Pharmacy, Nutrition, Etc.
- Social Sciences, Humanities, Commerce and Law
The Projects must be original and must have undergone some exploration/ground work in order to demonstrate its feasibility and impact. Research scholars below 30 years of age.
The convention will be held in three phases:
- First Phase: University Level
- Second Phase: Zonal Level
- Third Phase: National Level
He informed all the scholars to participate in this event and use this opportunity for your research carrier.
Onsite training Seminar on “Turnitin’s User Awareness Program & Similarity Check” on 20.11.2018

The office of Dean (Research) organized onsite training on Turnitin’s User Awareness Program & Similarity Check Dr. T.Harinarayana, Director,ESPAC welcomed the gathering. This programme is arranged with the motive of sharing the knowledge and training experience in turnitin software to check various types of documents including Papers, thesis, etc.
Mr. Akshay Prasanna,Customer Success Manager – Turnitin was the speaker started off right away, by clarifying
– What is plagiarism and its effect to an Institution?
- Why Turnitin Similarity check report; gives a more accurate report and Features
- Instructor Management / Student Management
- Creation of class and Assignment
- Student Paper submission and review
- Generation of Similarity Reports in Turnitin
- Reviewing student paper with similarity report
- Similarity Report downloads
- Research Methodology
- International Opportunities and Successful Grant Applications
- Scholarly Communications
- Facing Job Interviews and Opportunities after Ph.D
- Presentation Skills and High-Impact Publishing
- Patent Applications
- Leaders verses Followers and Combating Stress
- The Indian Entrepreneur and Alternative Career
& many more…
Dr.E.Syed Mohamed, Asst.Dean (Research), BSACIST delivered the vote of thanks.
Total No.of participants : 80
A seminar on “How to write project proposal in International collaboration projects” on 2nd November 2018

In order to promote sponsored projects, international collaborative projects, consultancy, Dean, Research office has been engaged in various activities. As a part of such activity we have been inviting many eminent scientists, professors of national level to Crescent to develop direct dialogue with the Deans, HODs and Faculty. Towards this direction, we have invited Dr. C. Sivaji, senior scientist, Head, International Division, Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India, New Delhi.
He was visited to Crescent on 2nd November 2018. He firstly interacted with a few HOD’s, Deans and shared the norms and guidelines of DST regarding international cooperation before his talk. A few faculty members are also interacted directly with him on their submitted/proposed projects to DST. Later he gave a talk sharing all DST activities to promote Science and Technology in India. He also discussed on various topics of interest for sponsored R&D projects and also international collaboration projects.
The Chief guest of the event Dr.C.Sivaji is felicitated by Prof. Raja Mohammed, Dean, Research.
Prof. Harinarayana, Director requested Dr.Sivaji to organize a few DST meetings at Crescent and this will help Crescent to have eminent scientists and faculties.
Total participants : 40 Nos.
Three days Workshop on “Writing Quality Research Articles, Project Proposals and Patents” (20-22 July 2018)

The office of Dean (Research), B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology organized a three day workshop on “Writing Quality Research Articles,Project Proposals and Patents” during 20-22 July 2018.
The objective of this workshop is to enhance research skills of researchers in writing quality research articles, project proposals and procedure to file a patent. The workshop was organized under the guidance of Honorable Vice Chancellor of the Institution.
Dr. I. Raja Mohamed, Dean (Research) welcomed the gathering and Dr. M.S. Haji Sheik Mohammed, Registrar(i/c) and Dean(AA) has mentioned in his speech about how to focus on quality research and importance of consultancy work for the scholars and faculty members Dr. T. Harinarayana, Director (ESRAC) emphasized the need for avoiding predatory journals and publishing articles in peer reviewed journal. Dr. Subhendu Chakrabarti, Chief Scientist, CLRI andDr. Nikhil A Gokhale, Enago Academy, Mumbai are external resource persons and provided inputs on patenting process.
Ethics in research is emphasized by all speakers. Totally 200 participants attended this workshop and it inspired all the researchers to identify research problems in an efficient way to carry out research work which should be for the betterment of society.
Workshop on Data Analytics

Segment of Scholars
This is designed for scholars from English Language, Management (including all functional areas, Law, sociology, Econometrics, Data Analytics and humanities). Any one of the scholars of B S Abdur Rahman Institute of Science and Technology is welcome to register for the course (it is open for external candidates).
Number of Participants
Numbers of participants were attended: 25 and accepted on first come first served basis.
Venue: Central Library
Pre workshop Requirements and rationale for the programme
The programme assumes no formal understanding of statistics and mathematics. It is to help scholars to use statistics to aggregate data or summarize data, predict outcomes or most importantly testing hypotheses that need to tested. It is designed research scholars who wish to have a statistical thinking rather than being users of tools. SPSS is one of the tools such as R, SAS etc. The objective is not to teach SPSS but how to use SPSS for your data analytics needs. However the programme is more involved requiring good amount of work during the session as well as in group learning sessions.
Sustainability Statement
The programme is a precursor to the four similar three days programmes planned for the next four weeks. The feedback is obtained and further four programmes will be designed and delivered. The future sessions will have experts from SPSS. This session resource person was Dr.K.Prabhakar.
A Workshop on “How to Make Mobile Resume Website in 3 Hours”

Office of Dean (Ac Research) facilitated for a Workshop on “How to Make Mobile Resume Website in 3 Hours” on 21-04-2018 at Seminar Hall – I, Convention Center, B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Vandalur, Mr. Bharatwaj Ramakrishnan,Software Engineer ,CaratLane , Chennai was the chief guest for the event. The event was presided over by Dr.I.Raja Mohamed, Dean (Ac Research). Dr.E.Syed Mohamed, Assistant Dean (Ac Research) was the event coordinator.
The event began at 09.30 AM. The Assistant Dean gave a warm welcome to the chief guest and the enthusiastic participants of the workshop. He also introduced the chief guest to the gathering with good background information.
The chief guest gave a good overview about how to apply for a job and write a resume that is done in MS word or send the pdf file to the recruiters.
GitHub solves this problem. It is an application which makes use of the HTML, Java can write our resume using some codes. And we just have to send our resume website link to the recruiter.
He also gave a good overview about how simple resume using Atom Editor with Github. This was followed by Question & Answers session. The sessions were very interactive and were well received by the participants especially by the research scholars.
The workshop was concluded with the vote of thanks from the Asst.Dean (Ac Research). The participants dispersed with the satisfaction of attending a good workshop.
Guest Lecture on “A Computation Analysis of Indus Valley Inscriptions”

Office of Dean (Ac Research) facilitated for a guest lecture on “A Computation Analysis of Indus Valley Inscriptions” on 03-04-2018 at Seminar Hall – I, Convention Center, B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Vandalur, Mr. Md Izhar Ashraf, Project Assistant, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc), Chennai and Ph.D. scholar, Dept. of CA, was the chief guest for the event. The event was presided over by Dr.I.Raja Mohamed, Dean (Ac Research). Dr.E.Syed Mohamed, Assistant Dean (Ac Research) was the event coordinator.
The event began at 11.15 AM with the prayer to the almighty. The Assistant Dean gave a warm welcome to the chief guest and the enthusiastic participants of the Lecture. He also introduced the chief guest to the gathering with good background information.
The chief guest gave a good overview about Directional symmetry breaking of sign usage in words. He termed it as the “Headedness” of the language. The probability of occurrence of signs at the left and right ends of words form a good normal distribution. Certain symbols or certain combination of symbols occur at the beginning of the words or at the end of the words more frequently than other symbols. This is found to be true not just in one language but across the languages. He explained about how he used the measures of equality like Gini Index or Entropy to quantitatively assess the degree of asymmetry in the sign occurrence distributions for different linguistic corpora.
He also gave a good overview about how small concepts when applied in an incremental manner can yield some significant results. This was followed by Question & Answers session. The sessions were very interactive and were well received by the participants especially the research scholars. All good things comes to an end, the Lecture was concluded with the vote of thanks from the Dean (Ac Research). The participants dispersed with the satisfaction of attending a good Lecture.
Workshop on “Scholarly Article Writing and Journal Publications”

A one day Technical Workshop on “Scholarly Article Writing and Journal Publications” held on 13th March 2018, Tuesday at 9:30 AM by the Office of Dean(Academic Research),B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai. The Chief Guest of the Workshop was Dr. T. VELMURUGAN, PG & Research Department of Computer Science, D. G. Vaishnav College (Autonomous), Chennai.
The program started at the seminar hall, where the gathering has been addressed by Dr.E.Syed Mohamed, Assistant Dean (Academic Research).
The Speaker talk was very inspiring. He talked on the topic “Scholarly Article Writing and Journal Publications “. He shared many examples and experiences to explain his views to the gathering. He talked about the steps to develop the research of the scholars so that they published in good journals.
He also explained the Article writing which should be developed by the scholars. His talk was very interesting and inspiring to our scholar which will surely help our scholars to reach good quality research ideas. Totally 67 scholars were attended the workshop and gave the feedback is “GOOD”.
Finally he conducted a interaction with the scholars. The Workshop ended at 4:10 PM. by the vote of thanks by Dr.Kurshid Alam Khan, Deputy Dean(Academic Research The Workshop was a grand success.

VC’s Town Hall Talk with Research Scholars held on 21.11.2017 at 10.00 a.m. in the Seminar Hall II, Convention Centre.Memebrs of office of Dean (Ac Research) were present.
The meeting was chaired by Tan Sri Dato Sri Dr. Sahol Hamid Bin Abu Bakar, Vice Chancellor. 127 Research scholars across all disciplines attended the meeting.
The meeting started with the address of Vice Chancellor about the importance of research in career and ranking of Universities.He also informed the research scholars can meet him on any issue on Friday before lunch or through email –
Onsite Training Seminar : Turnitin Plagiarism Software (6th November 2017)

The office of Dean (Academic Research) organized onsite training on “How to use TURNITIN PLAGIARISM SOFTWARE EFECTIVELY “. Dr. Md Khurshid Alam Khan, Deputy Dean (Ac.Research) welcomed the gathering. This programme is arranged with the motive of sharing the knowledge and training experience in turnitin software to check various types of documents including Papers, thesis, etc.
Mr. Varun Piplani from turnitin was the speaker started off right away, by clarifying a few doubts
that scholars, have asked him “Administrator, Instructors and student usages of Turnitin software” .
Dr.E.Syed Mohamed, Asst.Dean (Ac Research), BSACIST delivered the vote of thanks.
One-week Workshop on “Strategies for Innovative and Quality Research”
Office of Dean (Academic Research), B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai has organized one-week Workshop on “Strategies for Innovative and Quality Research” during 31.07.2017 to 05.08.2017
The workshop was inaugurated by the Vice Chancellor Dr. Sahol Hamid Bin Abubakar, Mrs. Nikhta Hamza, Director Hr welcomed the gathering. Dean (Academic Research) addressed the delegates on the importance of research and program structure. Prof. Nikhil A Gokhale RK University, Gujarat acted as resource person, he has delivered lectures in the following areas and also interacted with the participants on strategies and innovation towards good research.
The Central Library of the Institute has arranged live demo on remote access, effective search on e- resources and plagiarism checking. The workshop was ended with a lecture by Dr. Nikhil A Gokhlae on Pedagogy innovation for faculty members of the Institution.