- Zulfa Ali H
- YRC-Student Affairs
- Writers Inc Magazine
- whycrescent-PLACEMENT
- Why Crescent?
- Webinar
- Water usage and care
- Water Consumption
- Waste Water Treatment
- walloffame
- Wall of Fame
- vission-sponsorde projects
- vision-Polymer Engineering
- vision-E.C.E
- vision-CSRIC
- vision-Computer Applications
- vision-Civil Engineering
- vision-Centre for Sustainable Development
- Vision & Objective
- Vision & Mission-aerospace
- Vision & Mission- Public Policy
- Vision & Mission
- Vidyanjali
- Video Gallery
- Vice Chancellor-administration
- Vice Chancellor Profile
- verification-Examinations
- V.M.Niaz Ahamed-cse
- V.M.Niaz Ahamed-Computer-Applications
- V.Balaji-cse
- V. Bharanigha-eee
- Upcoming Events
- Up-coming Events
- Undergraduate Programmes
- Undergraduate
- Uma Maheswari V-english
- ug-nri-menu
- ug-intl.-menu
- UG Fee Structure
- UG Eligibility
- UG
- transport-Facilities
- training-PLACEMENT
- Training Programme for Sub Inspector Cadets
- This is CU
- Thesis Awarded Degree
- THE Impact Ranking
- Th head
- TF Carousel
- testing-Civil Engineering
- test20
- test19
- test18
- test pdf2
- test pdf1
- Test off campus
- test
- Technical Magazine
- Team & Committee Members
- Tax Planning Book
- Tamilselvi Jagadeesan-Law
- T. Velmurugan
- T. Pandiyavathi-cse
- T. Pandiyavathi-Computer-Applications
- T Valliammai
- syllebus-Life Science
- Syed Muzafar Ahmed S
- suppporting-Academics
- supporting-Facilities
- summary-CSRIC
- Sukanya H-Law
- Study
- students-Management Studies
- Students Login
- Students Feedback
- STUDENTS CODE-Student Affairs
- Students Associations
- Students Achievements-cse
- Students Achievements
- studentcorner-PLACEMENT
- student-gravience-Student Affairs
- Student Start up’s
- Student Grievances
- Student Events & Achievements-Student Affairs
- Student E-Magazine-Student Affairs
- Student Council-Student Affairs
- Student Affairs
- Students Grievance Redressal Cell (SGRC)
- Students Code Of Conduct
- Student Scholarship Portal
- Student Events & Achievements
- Student E-Magazine
- Student Council
- Rotaract Club
- Programmes on National identities
- ISTD-Clubs
- Internal Complaints Committee (ICC)
- Instruction – Degree Certificate
- Crescent Technocrats Club
- Crescent Creative Strokes
- Courses on Human Values & Professional Ethics
- Code of Conduct for students (General)
- Capability Enhancement and Development Schemes
- Anti-Ragging Cell
- Anti Discrimination Cell
- About Student Affairs
- Student Affairs
- strokes-Student Affairs
- Strategies & Functions
- Stakeholders Feedback Form
- Stakeholders Feedback
- staff-Facilities
- Staff Login
- Staff Achievements
- SSH-Repository
- sportd-Facilities
- sponsored-CSRIC
- sponsored-Centre for Sustainable Development
- Sponsored Projects & Consultancy
- Sponsored Projects & Consultancy
- Vision & Mission
- Sponsored Projects
- Research Highlights
- Projects Ongoing / Sanctioned
- Projects Completed
- Our Team
- MoU
- Industry Institute Partnership
- Guideline for Proposal
- Events
- Energy Research
- Crescent Seed Money
- Corporate Training
- Contact Details
- Consultancy Projects
- Consultancy Policy
- Call for Proposals
- About Us
- Sponsored Projects & Consultancy
- SPCS-Repository
- Solid Waste Management
- Society of Information Technologists
- Society Activities
- Social Sciences and Humanities
- Social Sciences and Humanities
- Social Sciences and Humanities
- Snegaa A-cse
- SMS-Repository
- SLS-Repository
- Skill And Personality-Centers
- Sitemap
- SI-Repository
- ShriIndhu J-civil
- Shifana Rayesha
- Sherin Farhana E.V.-Law
- Sheik Farid A-civil
- Sharing Resources to Public
- Shaji. M-Law
- Shahnawaz Ahmad-Law
- seminar-SocialSciencesandHumanities
- seedmoney-Centre for Sustainable Development
- seed-money-Sponsored Projects & Consultancy
- SECS-Repository
- Search
- SDG7-2022
- SDG6-2022
- sdg6 Policy
- sdg6 Activities
- SDG5-2022
- SDG5 Weblink
- sdg5 Policy
- SDG5 Outreach Activities
- sdg5 Activities
- SDG4-2022
- sdg4 Weblink
- sdg4 Policy
- sdg4 Activities
- SDG17-2022
- SCIMS-Repository
- School of Arabic and Islamic Studies
- schedule-of-exams-Examinations
- schedule-Academics
- Schedule of Exams1
- Samsul Sameera I-Law
- Sameera Fathima K-Law
- salient-Law
- Sabaria S-cse
- Sabaria S-Computer-Applications
- S.R.Senthilkumar-cse
- S. Vennila
- S. Suresh-eee
- S. Subhashini-cse
- S. Sadhish Prabhu-ece
- S. Saba-Law
- S. Farzana-Social Sciences and Humanities
- S. Anusooya-ece
- S Chandra Shekhar-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Rotaract Club-Student Affairs
- revulation-Examinations
- Reunion
- research-Physics
- Research-login
- research-LifeScience
- research-IT
- research-E.I.E
- research-E.C.E
- Research-Department of Commerce
- research-Computer Applications
- research-Civil
- research-C.S.E
- research-about-us
- Research Training
- Research Supervisors
- Research scholars receiving fellowship
- Research Scholars
- Research Incentive Scheme and Awards
- Research Highlights-Sponsored Projects & Consultancy
- Research Forum (Staff. Calendar)
- Research Centers
- Research Board
- Research Advisory Committee
- Research Activities
- Research
- Research Publications
- Research
- Programmes
- Facilities
- Centers
- Academic Research
- Vision & Mission
- Thesis Awarded Degree
- Research Training & Fellowship Programme
- Research Supervisors
- Research Scholars
- Research Promotion Policy
- Research Incentive Scheme and Awards
- Research Board
- Research Advisory Committee
- Research Activities
- Post-Doctoral Fellowship
- Policy on Consultancy
- Ph.D Regulation
- Major Research Facilities
- Journals & Publications
- Downloads
- Contact Us
- Code of Ethics
- Circulars
- Central Institution Facilities
- Admission to Ph.D.
- Additional Information on Research
- About Us
- Research
- research
- Repository@crescent
- Repository-School of Social Sciences and Humanities
- Repository-School of Physical and Chemical Science
- Repository-School of Mechanical Sciences
- Repository-School of Life Sciences
- Repository-School of Infrastructure
- Repository-School of Electrical and Communication Sciences
- Repository-School of Computer Information and Mathematical Sciences
- Repository-Crescent School of Pharmacy
- Repository-Crescent School of Business
- Repository-Crescent School of Architecture
- Repository-Crescent Innovation & Incubation Council
- Repository
- regulation-Academics
- Registrar Profile
- reforms-Examinations
- recruiter-PLACEMENT
- Recognitions & Awards
- Reachout
- rating-PLACEMENT
- ranking-PLACEMENT
- Rahul P-Social Sciences and Humanities
- R.T.Charulatha-ece
- R.Sivakumar-Computer-Applications
- R.Hemalatha-tamil
- R.Elakya-civil
- R. Venkatesh
- R. Ranjani
- R. Ramakrishnan
- R. Mahalakshmi @ Issakki-ece
- R. Iniyavan-ece
- R. Anitha-ece
- R. Akila-cse
- R. Agatha-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Quiz
- Question Paper Format-Examinations
- Quality Education Weblink
- Quality Education
- Quality Education
- QS Star Rating
- QS Star Rating
- QS
- Publications-mechanical
- projhects-Sponsored Projects & Consultancy
- Projects Ongoing / Sanctioned-Sponsored Projects & Consultancy
- project-ongoing-Centre for Sustainable Development
- project-Centre for Sustainable Development
- progrmme-Chemistry
- programmes-tamil
- programmes-sociology
- programmes-Social-SciencesandHumanities
- Programmes-mechanical-1
- programmes-Management Studies
- programmes-IT
- programmes-economics
- programmes-E.C.E
- programmes-Computer Applications
- programmes-Civil
- Programmes Offered-Public Policy
- Programmes German
- Programmes Approved-mechanical-1
- Programmes Approved
- Programmes
- programme-Polymer Engineering
- programme-Physics
- programme-Pharmacy
- programme-Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- programme-Life Science
- programme-Law
- programme-E.I.E
- programme-cse
- programme-Commerce
- programme-Arabic and Islamic Studies
- programme-Aerospace Engineering
- programme-Academics
- programes-E.E.E
- proggrame-C.S.E
- Professional Societies
- Pro Chancellor-administration
- Pro Chancellor Profile
- Privacy Policy
- President Profile
- Prem Ram M R-Law
- Preeti Verma-cse
- Postgraduate Programmes
- Postgraduate
- Post-Doctoral Fellowship
- polymer nano-Centers
- Polymer Engineering
- Policy on Consultancy
- Placements
- placement-PLACEMENT
- placement-mechanical
- placement-Law
- placement-E.C.E
- Placement Statistics-PLACEMENT
- Placement Details
- Placement Brochure
- Placement – 2019-22
- Placement
- Placement
- Placement
- Physics
- Physics
- Physics
- Physical Education
- photo-E.I.E
- photo-E.C.E
- Photo Gallery
- Photo Gallery
- Photo Gallery
- phd-nri-menu
- phd-intl.-menu
- Pharmacy
- Pharmacy
- Pharmacy
- Pharmacy
- Ph.D Regulation
- PH.D Awarded-mechanical-1
- Ph.D Admissions
- Ph.D
- pg-nri-menu
- pg-intl.-menu
- PG Fee Structure
- PG Eligibility
- PG
- Perspective Plan 2020-2030
- payment-Examinations
- Pawan Kumar-Law
- Patents
- patants-cse
- patant-E.I.E
- Partnership for the Goals
- Partnership for the Goals
- Partnership for the Goals
- Participation and Entrepreneurship
- Parents Login
- Parents Feedback-Feedback
- Parents Feedback
- P. Valarmathi
- overview-sociology
- overview-Public Policy
- overview-english
- overview-economics
- overview-economics
- overview-economics
- over-biotechnology
- Outreach Activities
- ourteam-Centre for Sustainable Development
- our_team-Academics
- Our Team-Sponsored Projects & Consultancy
- Our Team
- Open and Distance Learning Programmes
- Online Programmes
- Online Grievance Redressal
- ollgbt
- Office of MIS
- Office of Dean (Research)
- Office of Alunmi Relations
- Office of Alumni Relations
- Office of Alumni Relations
- Wall of Fame
- Some of our Prominent Alumni
- Some of our Alumni Entrepreneurs
- Reunion
- Photo Gallery
- Online Verification of Certificates
- Newsletter
- Home
- Get Involved
- Events
- Distinguished Alumni Award
- Contact us
- Alumni Webinars
- Alumni Videos
- Alumni Store
- Alumni Services
- Alumni Meets
- Alumni Faculty Coordinators
- Alumni Endowment Fund
- Alumni Admission Flyers
- off campus
- odllgbt
- objective-CSRIC
- OBE Workshop Videos
- NSS-Student Affairs
- NRI Admissions
- NRI Admissions
- NRI Admission
- nri
- nptel-MOOC
- Notice Board-cse
- non-teaching-Feedback
- Nizamuddin Ahmad Siddiqui-Law
- NIRF 2018
- nilab-E.C.E
- Newsletter
- News & Events
- New Education Policy
- Nehru P
- Neha Parveen-Law
- NAAC Mock Accreditation
- NAAC 2021 Evidence
- NAAC Second Cycle
- N.Sudalai Muthu-Law
- N.Sheerin Sitara
- N.A.Arshiya Afrin-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Muththamizh Selvi S.I-english
- Muthamizh Thilagam P-Law
- Ms. V.Roopa-civil
- Ms. S.Ranjani-Life Science
- Ms. S.P.Chitra Preetha-Computer-Applications
- Ms. S.Khathijath Fariha
- Ms. P.Padmavathy-Computer-Applications
- Ms. ManickaPriya N-civil
- Ms. M.Ayisha Sidiqua-civil
- Ms. K.Kanmani-civil
- Ms. Carol Prima D’ Souza-Public Policy
- Ms. Anne Roopa D’Souza-Public Policy
- Ms A.Sonya-IT
- Mrs. S.Hemalatha
- Mrs. S. Syed Ali Fathima Nisha-Law
- Mrs. S. Muthahara Fathima
- Mrs. R.Daulath Banu-Polymer
- Mrs. R. Ramya
- Mrs. Niyati Behera-cse
- Mrs. N.Suguna-english
- Mrs. M.Gulzar Begum-Arabic and Islamic Studies
- Mrs. M. Ishwariya
- Mrs. M R Kiran Priya-Public Policy
- Mrs. Freeda Fernandes-Public Policy
- Mrs. A.Soundariya
- Mrs. A. Catherine Anna Pushpam-english
- Mr.K.Swaminathan
- Mr.J.Ravinder-Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- Mr.A.Saibulla-Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- Mr. Y.Ibrahim-civil
- Mr. Vijay P S-Public Policy
- Mr. T.Sugadev-english
- Mr. Syed Shaul Hameed-mechanical
- Mr. Syed Shahed Hashmi-Public Policy
- Mr. Sujit Tharakan-mechanical
- Mr. Steuban Xavier Dias-Public Policy
- Mr. S.Shafeer Ahamed-civil
- Mr. S.Rajini-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Mr. S.Dhamodharan-civil
- Mr. S.Arulmozhiselvar
- Mr. S. V. Karthikeyan-Aerospace
- Mr. S. Loganathan-mechanical
- Mr. S. Karthikeyan-Aerospace
- Mr. Rajesh Alagumani-Public Policy
- Mr. R.Venkateswaran-cse
- Mr. R.Sebastin
- Mr. Prithvi Kumar-Public Policy
- Mr. Prakash KAS-Public Policy
- Mr. Naveen Kanniyan-publicpolicy
- Mr. N.Rajmohan-AUTOMOBILE
- Mr. N.Gopinath-cse
- Mr. N. Ravikumar-mechanical
- Mr. Mohd. Salim-Law
- Mr. Mohammed Sherfuddin-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Mr. Mohammad Basharat Ali Khan
- Mr. Manoj Madhav-Public Policy
- Mr. M.A. Saleem Ahmed-Law
- Mr. M. Magesh-Aerospace
- Mr. M. Balasrinivasan-mechanical
- Mr. M S Idris-Public Policy
- Mr. K. Kapil Raj-Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- Mr. K M Ilanchezhian-Public Policy
- Mr. D.Murali Manohar-Polymer
- Mr. D. Pradeep Kumar-mechanical
- Mr. Chris Leonard Bernard-Public Policy
- Mr. C. Sivakumar-mechanical
- Mr. Basanta Kumar Behera-Polymer
- Mr. B.Kannadasan
- Mr. Azhar Iqbal Mozumder-Law
- Mr. Arjun Pali-Public Policy
- Mr. Aashiq Mohammed-Public Policy
- Mr. A.Sheik Farid
- Mr. A.Salman Ayaz-Computer-Applications
- Mr. A.Mohamed Anwar
- Mr. A.Manivannan
- Mr. A. Varunkumar-mechanical
- Moulavi M.Ahamedullah Al Bukhari-Arabic and Islamic Studies
- Moulavi Dr. S.Abdus Samad Nadwi-Arabic and Islamic Studies
- Moulavi Dr. S.A.Usman Ali-Arabic and Islamic Studies
- Moulavi Dr. P.S.Syed Masood Jamali-Arabic and Islamic Studies
- Moulavi Dr. P.M. Mohamed Yoosuf Jamali-Arabic and Islamic Studies
- Moulavi Dr. Nahvi.A.M.Muhiyadeen Lebbai-Arabic and Islamic Studies
- Moulavi Dr. A. Abdul Hai Hasani Nadwi-Arabic and Islamic Studies
- mou-Sponsored Projects & Consultancy
- mou-CSRIC
- moU-Civil
- mou-Centre for Sustainable Development
- MoU
- more-info-Polymer
- Moot Court Society
- moon-economics
- Mohammad Habeeb-Pharmacy
- Mohamed Haris .O-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Mobile Apps-cse
- minor-Mechanical Department
- Minor Degree Programmes
- Minimise water usage
- Microbiology
- messege-E.E.E
- messega-E.C.E
- Mentoring Systems
- megazine-E.C.E
- Meetings & Events
- Mechanical Sciences
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechanical Department
- mba-Business Administration
- MBA Business Administration
- Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- Margdarshan 2023-24
- Manivannan A-civil
- Mandatory Disclosure
- Strategic Plan – Vision Document
- Right to Information
- Prevention Caste Based Discrimination
- Organizational Structure
- OBC Cell
- NAAC-Report
- Minority Cell
- Internal Complaint Committee
- Infrastructure
- Human Values & Professional Ethics
- Grievance Redressal Committee
- Green Campus & Green Policy
- Grants-in-aid
- Governance of BSACIST
- GOI/MHRD-Notification
- Fee Structure
- Fee Structure
- Faculty
- Faculty
- Distance Education
- Consolidated Documents for NAAC
- Committee for SC/ST
- Code of Conduct
- Campus Facilities
- Audit Accounts
- Approval Letters
- Anti-Ragging Committee
- Annual Report
- Admission Policy
- Accreditation
- Academic Curricula
- Mandatory Disclosure
- Manasa Krishnakumar-Law
- Management Studies
- Management Studies
- Management Studies
- Major Research Facilities
- Major Research Facilities
- Magazine Newsletter
- Madurai Off Campus Facilities
- Madurai Off Campus Dept
- Madurai Off Campus Contact Us
- Madurai Off Campus Admissions BCA
- Madurai Off Campus Admissions BBA LLB
- Madurai Off Campus Admissions BA LLB
- Madurai Off Campus Admissions B.Com
- Madurai Off Campus Admission Enquiry
- Madurai Off Campus Administration
- Madurai Off Campus Academics
- Madurai Off Campus About Us
- Madurai Off Campus
- Madhina Banu-cse
- M.Tech. VLSI & Embedded Systems
- M.Tech. Structural Engineering
- M.Tech. Power Systems Engineering
- M.Tech. Food Biotechnology Eligibility
- M.Tech. Food Biotechnology
- M.Tech. Artificial Intelligence & Data Science
- M.sc Microbiology
- M.Sc Biotechnology
- M.Sc Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
- M.M.Noor Fasla
- M.Gunasekaran
- M.Com International
- M.Com Eligibility-intl-pharmacy
- M.Com – International
- M. Tech. VLSI & Embedded Systems
- M. Tech. Structural Engineering
- M. Tech. Power Systems Engineering
- M. Tech. Information Technology
- M. Tech. Construction Engineering & Project Management
- M. Tech. Computer Science & Engineering
- M. Tech. CAD-CAM – International
- M. Tech. Biotechnology – International
- M. Tech. Avionics – International
- M. Shamima Parveen-Law
- M. Selvakumar-ece
- M. Ramkumar-eee
- M. Padma Usha-ece
- M. Latha
- M. Arch. Architecture
- M V Duraish Kumar-Public Policy
- Login
- LikeBTN
- Life Sciences
- Life Science
- Library-cse
- Library
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Latest News
- laterel-
- Know Your Institute
- Khurram Khowaja-Law
- Khurram Khowaja-Law
- Kathiresan S-german
- Kathiresan S
- Kanagadhara H
- K. Selvi
- K. Krishnaveni-Law
- K. Asrar Ahmed-mechanical
- Journals & Publications
- Johnson Irudayanathan-german
- Johnson Irudayanathan
- jobsplacements
- Job Description
- JF2019
- J. Lakshmi Charan-Law
- J. Brindha Merin-cse
- J Mary
- IT
- istd-clubs-Student Affairs
- ISTD-C-Student Affairs
- Islamic Studies
- Irwin Selvan S-english
- iqac-vision
- IQAC Minutes 2014-2020
- IQAC Minutes
- IQAC Home
- IQAC CSI SDG7-2021 23
- IQAC CSI SDG4 2021 23
- IQAC CSI SDG3 2021 23
- IQAC CSI SDG 6 2021 23
- IQAC CSI SDG 17 2021 23
- IQAC CSI 2021 23
- iqac
- International Workshop
- International Internships
- International Faculty & Students
- International Collaborations-E.C.E
- International Admissions
- International admissions
- International Admissions
- Internal Complaints Committee (ICC)-Student Affairs
- Interdisciplinary Research
- Intellect -cse
- instructions-Examinations
- INSTRUCTION-Student Affairs
- Institute
- Schools
- School of Social Sciences and Humanities
- Tamil
- Sociology
- German
- Economics
- Department of Public Policy
- Vision & Mission
- Programmes Approved
- Overview
- Faculty
- Faculty Members
- Ms. Carol Prima D’ Souza
- Ms. Anne Roopa D’Souza
- Mrs. M R Kiran Priya
- Mrs. Freeda Fernandes
- Mr. Vijay P S
- Mr. Syed Shahed Hashmi
- Mr. Steuban Xavier Dias
- Mr. Rajesh Alagumani
- Mr. Prithvi Kumar
- Mr. Prakash KAS
- Mr. Naveen Kanniyan
- Mr. Manoj Madhav
- Mr. M S Idris
- Mr. K M Ilanchezhian
- Mr. Chris Leonard Bernard
- Mr. Arjun Pali
- Mr. Aashiq Mohammed
- M V Duraish Kumar
- Dr. Sundar M S
- Dr. Indira Krishnamoorthy
- Faculty Members
- Contact Details
- Admission Brochure
- Department of English
- Department of Commerce
- Research
- Programmes Approved
- Overview
- Faculty Members
- Faculty
- Publication details
- Faculty Members
- T. Porkodi
- S. Farzana
- S Chandra Shekhar
- Rahul P
- R. Agatha
- N.A.Arshiya Afrin
- Mr. S.Rajini
- Mr. Mohammed Sherfuddin
- Mohamed Haris .O
- Ifra Fathima I
- Dr.S.I.Mohideen Abdul Kadir
- Dr. Syed Mohsin Ashfaquddin
- Dr. Sibghatullah Nasir
- Dr. S.Vidya
- Dr. S.Arun kumar
- Dr. Radhika. R
- Dr. R.Prakash
- Dr. R.Mary Angelin
- Dr. Perumalraja R
- Dr. P.Neethikumar
- Dr. N.Indumathi
- Dr. Mohsin Khan
- Dr. Krupa B Nair
- Dr. Kogila N
- Dr. K. Hannah Catherine
- Dr. Humaira Fatima
- Dr. C.Srinivasan
- Dr. B.Ziavuddeen
- Dr. Ayub Khan Dawood
- Dr. A.Harikumar
- Dr. N. Vijayakumar
- Dr Afzalur Rahman
- C.N.Rajendra Prasad
- Asan Bawa
- A Fathima
- Conference Presentation Details
- Adjunct Faculty
- Events
- eLearning Portal
- Contact Details
- Admission Brochure
- School of Physical and Chemical Science
- Department of Physics
- Department of Chemistry
- School of Mechanical Sciences
- Department of Polymer Engineering
- Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Vision & Mission
- Programmes Approved
- Ph.D. Awarded
- Overview
- Minor Degree Programs
- Infrastructure
- Faculty
- Publications
- Faculty Members
- Mr. Syed Shaul Hameed
- Mr. Sujit Tharakan
- Mr. S. Loganathan
- Mr. N. Sirajudeen
- Mr. N. Ravikumar
- Mr. M. Balasrinivasan
- Mr. G. Rajesh
- Mr. D. Pradeep Kumar
- Mr. C. Sivakumar
- Mr. A. Varunkumar
- K. Asrar Ahmed
- Dr.R.Karunanithi
- Dr. V. Muralidharan
- Dr. Surya Rajan B
- Dr. Serajul Haque
- Dr. S. Rasool Mohideen
- Dr. S. Mohamed Illyas
- Dr. S. Jeavudeen
- Dr. Ravi Kumar
- Dr. Md. Javeed Ahamed
- Dr. M. Thirumurugan
- Dr. M. Pervaz Ahamed
- Dr. M. Abdur Rahman
- Dr. M. A. Sai Balaji
- Dr. K. Sathickbasha
- Dr. J. Mahashar Ali
- Dr. H. Siddhi Jailani
- Dr. A.S. Selvakumar
- Dr. A. Muthu Manokar
- Dr. A. Arockia Julias
- Dr Mohamed Bak Kamaludeen
- Dr D.R.Rajendran
- Affiliated Faculty
- Events
- ETDMMT 2020
- eLearning Portal
- Department Relations
- Contact Details
- Admission Brochure
- Accolades
- Department of Automobile Engineering
- Department of Aerospace Engineering
- School of Life Sciences
- Programmes Approved
- Overview
- Infrastructure
- Faculty
- Ms. S.Ranjani
- Mr.Mohammed Abrar Basha
- Mr. Subhamoy Banerjee
- Dr. Wasima Mohamed
- Dr. Vimalkumar
- Dr. Sudarkodi Sukumar
- Dr. Soumen Bera
- Dr. Sheeza Khan
- Dr. Shazia Jamal
- Dr. S.Hemalatha
- Dr. P.Ashok Kumar
- Dr. Neesar Ahmed
- Dr. Mohammad Ashfaq
- Dr. Md Khurshid Alam Khan
- Dr. M. K. Sangeetha
- Dr. Karthikeyan Ramalingam
- Dr. I. Faridha Begum
- Dr. Gulsaz Shamim
- Dr. D. MubarakAli
- Dr. C.Simon Durairaj
- Dr Mohammad Waseem
- Events
- eLearning Portal
- Contact Details
- Admission Brochure
- Accolades
- School of Infrastructure
- Department of Civil Engineering
- Vision & Mission
- Testing and consultancy
- Research
- Programmes Approved
- Overview
- Infrastructure
- Faculty
- Supporting Staff
- Faculty Members
- ShriIndhu J
- Sheik Farid A
- R.Elakya
- Ms. V.Roopa
- Ms. ManickaPriya N
- Ms. M.Ayisha Sidiqua
- Ms. K.Kanmani
- Mr. Y.Ibrahim
- Mr. S.Shafeer Ahamed
- Mr. S.Dhamodharan
- Manivannan A
- Dr. Vasanthi Padmanabhan
- Dr. Priya V.S.
- Dr. P.Gajalakshmi
- Dr. Nisha Khanam
- Dr. Madumathi Gunasekaran
- Dr. M.S. Haji Sheik Mohammed
- Dr. K.Yogeswari
- Dr. J.Revathy
- Dr. A. K. Kaliluthin
- B.Kannadasan
- Affiliated Professors
- Events
- eLearning Portal
- Educational Visits
- Dean’s Message
- Contact Details
- Alumni
- Admission Brochure
- Accolades
- Department of Civil Engineering
- School of Electrical and Communication Sciences
- Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
- Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
- Overview
- Vision & Mission
- Research & Consultancy
- Programmes Approved
- Placement
- Photo Gallery
- NI Labview Academy
- Message from HOD’s desk
- International Collaborations
- Infrastructure
- Industry Interaction
- Feedback about Department
- Faculty
- Faculty Members
- S. Syed Rafiammal
- S. Sadhish Prabhu
- S. Kalaivani
- S. Anusooya
- R.T.Charulatha
- R. Mahalakshmi @ Issakki
- R. Iniyavan
- R. Anitha
- M. Vanmathi
- M. Selvakumar
- M. Padma Usha
- K. Indra Gandhi
- Hasan Babu H
- G. Anuradha
- Dr. V. Jean Shilpa
- Dr. S. Kaja Mohideen
- Dr. Parnasree Chakraborty
- Dr. P.K.Jawahar
- Dr. Mohamed Ismail
- Dr. G. Kannan
- Dr. C. Tharini
- Dr. B. Vijayalakshmi
- B. Sivashanmugavalli
- Ambika. A
- A. Ramesh Kumar
- A. Priya
- Affiliate faculty
- Faculty Members
- Events
- eLearning Portal
- E-Magazine
- Department Clubs
- Contact Details
- Alumni
- Admission Brochure
- Achievements
- Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- School of Computer Information and Mathematical Sciences
- Department of Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- Department of Information Technology
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering
- Students Achievements
- Research & Consultancy
- Programmes Approved
- Placement
- Patents
- Overview
- Mobile-Apps
- Intellect – Online Events
- Infrastructure
- FDP (AICTE Sponsored) Videos
- Faculty
- Faculty Members
- V.Balaji
- Snegaa A
- S. Subhashini
- R. Akila
- Mrs. Niyati Behera
- Mr. R.Venkateswaran
- Madhina Banu
- J. Brindha Merin
- Dr. X.Arputha Rathina
- Dr. Venkatesan Selvam
- Dr. V.MuthuPriya
- Dr. Sharmila Sankar
- Dr. S.Syed Abdul Syed
- Dr. S.Sharon Priya
- Dr. S.Revathi
- Dr. S.P.Valli
- Dr. N.Sabiyath Fatima
- Dr. M.Sandhya
- Dr. M.Mohammed Thaha
- Dr. L.Arun Raj
- Dr. J.Jeyapriya
- Dr. Gino Sophia S.G.
- Dr. E.Syed Mohamed
- Dr. C.Hema
- Dr. B.Karthikeyan
- Dr. B.Dhanalakshmi
- Dr. Aisha Banu W.
- Dr. A.Alif Siddiqua Begum
- Dr. A. Ramachandran
- Dharini R
- C. Vijayalakshmi
- A. Radhika
- Affiliating Faculty
- Faculty Members
- Events
- eLearning Portal
- e-Magazine
- Department Relations
- CSEA – Inaugural
- CSE – Social Media
- CSE – e-Notice Board
- CSE – Department Library
- CSE – Clubs
- Contact Details
- Alumni Feedback
- Admission Brochure
- Accolades
- Department of Computer Applications
- Vision & Mission
- Research & Consultancy
- Programmes Approved
- Overview
- Infrastructure
- Faculty
- Online Video Lecture
- Faculty Members
- V.M.Niaz Ahamed
- T. Pandiyavathi
- Sabaria S
- R.Sivakumar
- Preeti Verma
- Peer Mohamed Ziyath S
- Ms. P.Padmavathy
- Mr. A.Salman Ayaz
- Dr. V.Shenbaga priya
- Dr. V.Prasanna
- Dr. V.J.Sowmya
- Dr. S.Shahar Banu
- Dr. S.Pakkir Mohideen
- Dr. R.Sonia
- Dr. R.Sabin Begum
- Dr. P.Sheik Abdul Khader
- Dr. P.Amudhavalli
- Dr. N.Ayyanathan
Transferred to CDOE (ODL Programme) - Dr. Md Oqail Ahmad
- Dr. M.Syed Masood
- Dr. K.Javubar Sathick
- Dr. G.Shree Devi
- Dr. Deepika
- Dr. C.Senthil Selvi
- Dr. A.K.Ashfauk Ahamed
- Dr. A.K. Reshmy
- Dr. A.Jaya
Transferred to CDOE (ODL Programme) - Dr. A.Jahir Husain
- Dr. A.Haja Alaudeen
- Dr. A.Abdul Azeez Khan
- Dr Mohamed Divan Masood M
- Affiliated Professor
- Faculty
- F
- Events
- eLearning Portal
- Department Relations
- Courses Offered
- Contact Details
- Admission Brochure
- Accolades
- School of Arabic & Islamic Studies
- Crescent School of Pharmacy
- Crescent School of law
- Sailent Features
- Programmes Approved
- Overview
- Infrastructure
- Faculty
- Tamilselvi Jagadeesan
- Sukanya H
- Sherin Farhana E.V.
- Shaji. M
- Shahnawaz Ahmad
- Samsul Sameera I
- Sameera Fathima K
- S. Saba
- Prem Ram M R
- Pawan Kumar
- Nizamuddin Ahmad Siddiqui
- Neha Parveen
- N.Sudalai Muthu
- Muthamizh Thilagam P
- Mrs. S. Syed Ali Fathima Nisha
- Mr. Mohd. Salim
- Mr. M.A. Saleem Ahmed
- Mr. Azhar Iqbal Mozumder
- Manasa Krishnakumar
- M. Shamima Parveen
- Khurram Khowaja
- K. Krishnaveni
- J. Lakshmi Charan
- Ihsan Shahzad P.A.
- Dr. Nazneen M.Y.
- Dr. M.P.Srinivasan
- Dr. Hassan Shareef K
- Dr. E.Priyanka
- Dr. Arab Mohammed Shamiulla
- Dr. Abraham Konda
- Dr. Aamir Majeed Parray
- Bilal Asghar
- Ankit Anand
- A.Mursalin
- Faculty
- Events
- eLearning Portal
- Contact Details
- Blogs
- Admission Brochure
- Crescent School of Business
- Department of Management Studies (MBA) – Two Years
- Visiting Faculty
- Student Achievements
- Programmes Approved
- Overview
- Infrastructure
- Faculty Members
- Faculty
- Visiting Faculty
- Teaching Learning Pedagogies
- Faculty Members
- Dr. Takhellambam Rocky Devi
- Dr. Shanmugam Munuswamy
- Dr. S.Saravanan
- Dr. S.Panboli
- Dr. S.K.G.Ganesh
- Dr. Ritu Gangil
- Dr. R.Priya
- Dr. Prasanna S
- Dr. N.Raja Hussain
- Dr. K.Srinivasan
- Dr. Joseph Mary Rahila
- Dr. J.Hemalatha
- Dr. Haider Yasmeen
- Dr. H.Moideen Batcha
Transferred to CDOE (ODL Programme) - Dr. D.Asokk
Transferred to CDOE (ODL Programme) - Dr. Chandrika Srinivas
- Dr. Bhuvaneswari S
- Affiliate Faculty
- Extension
- Events
- eLearning Portal
- Contact Details
- Admission Brochure
- Accolades
- Crescent School of Business
- Department of Management Studies (MBA) – Two Years
- Crescent School of Architecture
- School of Social Sciences and Humanities
- Physical Education
- Office of IQAC
- news
- Examinations
- events
- About Us
- Schools
- insfrasture-Physical Education
- insfrasture-Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- Innovation Entrepreneurship
- Initiatives
- infrscture-Automobile Engineering
- infrasture-Management Studies
- infrasture-Computer Applications
- infrastucture-Polymer
- Infrastructure-Physics
- infrastructure-Pharmacy
- infrastructure-mechanical-1
- Infrastructure-mechanical
- infrastructure-Law
- Infrastructure-IT
- infrastructure-E.E.E
- Infrastructure-cse
- infrastructure-Civil
- infrastructure-Chemistry
- infrastructure-Aerospace
- Infrastructure
- infrastructre-E.C.E
- infracture-E.I.E
- Information Technology
- Industry, Innovation and Infrastruture
- Industry, Innovation and Infrastruture
- Industry, Innovation and Infrastruture
- industry-PLACEMENT
- industry-PLACEMENT
- industry-E.I.E
- industry-CSRIC
- industry-Centre for Sustainable Development
- Industry Interaction-E.C.E
- Industry Institute Partnership-Sponsored Projects & Consultancy
- Industry Connect-PLACEMENT
- Industry Accreditations-PLACEMENT
- industrial-Automobile Engineering
- Industrial Visit
- Industrial Visit
- India
- inaugural-cse
- Important-Info
- Ihsan Shahzad P.A.-Law
- Ifra Fathima I-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Hussain Basha G-english
- Human Resources
- Human Nature Qualitative Research & Politics
- How to apply
- hostel-Facilities
- home-nba
- home-iqac
- Home – Main page
- Home
- Home
- Higher Studies Abroad
- health-Facilities
- Hasan Babu H-ece
- Hamanulla N
- Haji.Dr.K.Nilamudeen
- guidence-PLACEMENT
- guideline-Sponsored Projects & Consultancy
- GivingBack
- Giving Back
- Get Involved
- Genomic sequences deposited in GenBank
- Gender Ratio
- Gender Equity programmes
- Gender Equality
- Gender Equality
- Gender Equality
- Gallery
- gallary-Physical Education
- gallary
- G.Vigish Aadithyan-german
- G.Vigish Aadithyan
- G.Priyadharshini
- G. Anuradha-ece
- G David raja
- Founder of the Institution-administration
- forms-Examinations
- Forms for BSACIST
- fees-nri-menu
- fees-intl.-menu
- feedback-E.C.E
- feedback-Academics
- Feedback
- Fee-structure-civil
- Fee-structure
- fee-Examinations
- fdp-cse
- faculty-tamil
- faculty-sociology
- Faculty-Public Policy
- faculty-Polymer
- faculty-Physics
- faculty-Physical Education
- faculty-Pharmacy
- faculty-mechanical-1
- faculty-mechanical
- faculty-Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- faculty-Management-Studies
- faculty-Life Science
- faculty-Law
- Faculty-IT
- faculty-german
- faculty-english
- faculty-economics
- faculty-E.I.E
- faculty-E.E.E
- faculty-E.C.E
- faculty-Department of Commerce
- Faculty-cse
- faculty-Computer-Applications
- faculty-Civil Engineering
- faculty-Chemistry
- faculty-Automobile Engineering
- faculty-Arabic and Islamic Studies
- faculty-Aerospace
- Faculty Training Academy
- Faculty Training Academy
- Faculty Appraisal Form
- Faculty
- Facilities1
- Facilities
- faciliation-CSRIC
- Faci;ities Student Amenities
- extension-Management Studies
- examinations
- Examinations
- Exam-Results1
- exam-result-Examinations
- events21-PLACEMENT
- events-Sponsored Projects & Consultancy
- events-sociology
- events-SocialSciencesandHumanities
- events-Polymer
- events-PLACEMENT
- events-Physics
- events-Physical Education
- events-Pharmacy
- Events-mechanical-1
- events-Mathematics
- events-Management-Studies
- events-Life Science
- events-Law
- events-IT
- events-english
- events-economics
- events-E.I.E
- events-E.E.E
- events-E.C.E
- events-cse
- events-Computer-Applications
- events-Civil
- events-Chemistry
- events-Centre for Sustainable Development
- Events-Centre for International Relations
- events-Automobile
- events-Arabic and Islamic Studies
- events-Aerospace
- events-Academics
- Events Organized
- Events Conducted-Commerce
- EVENTS 2022-23
- EVENTS 2021-22
- Events 2009-2010
- Events 2004-2005
- Events
- Events
- Events
- Ethical Committee
- Estate
- Entrepreneurs
- Enquiry
- Enquire Now
- English MOU
- English
- Engineering Admissions 2022
- Engineering Admissions – 2023
- Engineering
- energy-Centre for Sustainable Development
- Energy Research-Sponsored Projects & Consultancy
- Energy Research Studies
- employers-Feedback
- Employers Feedback
- Employees (Teaching) Feedback
- Employees (Non-Teaching) Feedback
- employ-Feedback
- emagazine-cse
- Eligibility/ Fees – PG NRI
- Eligibility/ Fees – PG International
- eligibility-polymer
- eligibility-pharmacy-mpherm
- eligibility-pharmacy
- eligibility-nri-menu
- eligibility-MCA-nri
- eligibility-MCA
- eligibility-MBA-nri
- eligibility-M.Tech. VLSI & Embedded Systems-nri
- eligibility-M.Tech. VLSI & Embedded Systems
- eligibility-M.Tech. Structural Engineering-nri
- eligibility-M.Tech. Structural Engineering
- eligibility-M.Tech. Power Systems Engineering-nri
- eligibility-M.Tech. Power Systems Engineering
- eligibility-M.Tech. Information Technology-nri
- eligibility-M.Tech. Food Biotechnology
- eligibility-M.Tech. Construction Engineering & Project Management-nri
- eligibility-M.Tech. Construction Engineering & Project Management
- eligibility-M.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering-nri
- eligibility-M.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering
- eligibility-M.Tech. CAD-CAM-nri
- eligibility-M.Tech. CAD-CAM
- eligibility-M.Tech. Biotechnology-nri
- eligibility-M.Tech. Biotechnology
- eligibility-M.Tech. Avionics-nri
- eligibility-M.Tech. Avionics
- eligibility-M.Tech. Artificial Intelligence & Data Science
- eligibility-M.Sc. Physics-nri
- eligibility-M.Sc. Physics
- eligibility-M.Sc. Physics
- eligibility-M.Sc. Microbiology-nri
- eligibility-M.Sc. Microbiology
- eligibility-M.Sc. Chemistry-nri
- eligibility-M.Sc. Chemistry
- eligibility-M.Sc. Chemistry
- eligibility-M.Sc. Chemistry
- eligibility-M.Sc. Biotechnology
- eligibility-M.Sc. Biochemistry & Molecular Biology-nri
- eligibility-M.Sc. Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
- eligibility-M.Sc. Actuarial Science-nri
- eligibility-M.Sc. Actuarial Science
- eligibility-M.Com.-nri
- eligibility-M.Com.
- eligibility-M.Arch.-nri
- eligibility-M.Arch.
- eligibility-m.arch
- eligibility-M.A. Islamic Studies-nri
- eligibility-M.A. Islamic Studies
- eligibility-m-tech-bio
- eligibility-LLM (Criminal Law)
- eligibility-law-ba
- eligibility-law
- eligibility-it
- eligibility-intl.msc.math&actural
- eligibility-intl.msc.chemistry
- eligibility-intl.msc-physics
- eligibility-intl.mca-computerscience
- eligibility-intl.bsc-cse
- eligibility-intl.bca
- eligibility-intl.ba.islam
- eligibility-intl.ba.english
- eligibility-intl.B.Sc. Biotechnology
- eligibility-intl.-menu
- eligibility-intl. M.Sc. Biotechnology
- eligibility-international-polymar
- eligibility-international-pherm
- eligibility-International-mechanical
- eligibility-international-life
- eligibility-international-it
- eligibility-international-eie
- eligibility-international-EEE
- eligibility-International-ECE
- eligibility-international-cse
- eligibility-International-civil
- eligibility-international-automibile
- eligibility-International-aerospace
- eligibility-eie
- eligibility-eee
- eligibility-ece
- eligibility-cse
- eligibility-civilmain
- eligibility-ca
- eligibility-bca-nri
- eligibility-bca
- eligibility-BBA LLB (Hons.) – 5 years-nri
- eligibility-BBA General
- eligibility-BBA General
- eligibility-BBA Financial Services-nri
- eligibility-BBA Financial Services
- eligibility-BA LLB (Hons.) – 5 years-nri
- eligibility-B.Tech. Polymer Engineering-nri
- eligibility-B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering
- eligibility-B.Tech. Information Technology-nri
- eligibility-B.Tech. Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering-nri
- eligibility-B.Tech. Electronics and Communication Engineering-nri
- eligibility-B.Tech. Electrical and Electronics Engineering-nri
- eligibility-B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering-nri
- eligibility-B.Tech. Civil Engineering-nri
- eligibility-B.Tech. Biotechnology-nri
- eligibility-B.Tech. Automobile Engineering-nri
- eligibility-B.Tech. Aeronautical Engineering-nri
- eligibility-b.tech-IT
- eligibility-B.Sc. Computer Science
- eligibility-B.Sc. Computer Science
- eligibility-B.Sc. Biotechnology
- eligibility-B.Sc. Biotechnology
- eligibility-B.Pharm.-nri
- eligibility-B.Com. Professional Accounting-nri
- eligibility-B.Com. General
- eligibility-B.Com. Accounts & Finance-nri
- eligibility-B.Com. (Hons.)-nri
- eligibility-B.Com. (Hons.)
- eligibility-b.com-Professional Accounting
- eligibility-b.com-general
- eligibility-b.com-Accounts & Finance
- eligibility-B.Arch.
- eligibility-B.A. Public Policy-nri
- eligibility-B.A. Public Policy
- eligibility-B.A. Islamic Studies-nri
- eligibility-B.A. Islamic Studies
- eligibility-B.A. English-nri
- eligibility-B.A. English
- eligibility-B.A. English
- eligibility-automobile
- eligibility-aerospace
- eligibility- MBA Innovation Entrepreneurship and Venture Development
- eligibility
- elerning-english
- eleraning-sociology
- elearning-tamil
- elearning-Pharmacy
- elearning-Management Studies
- elearning-LifeScience
- elearning-Law
- elearning-IT
- elearning-E.I.E
- elearning-cse
- elearning-Automobile Engineering
- elearning-Arabic and Islamic Studies
- eLearning portal physics
- elearnig-social science
- elearnig-Commerce
- EEE Placement
- Educational Visits-Civil Engineering
- Educational Events to Public
- economics-overview
- E.I.E
- E.E.E
- E.C.E
- e-Prospectus
- E-Magazine
- e-leraning-german
- e-leraning-economics
- e-leraning-E.C.E
- e-leraning-Chemistry
- e-leraning-Aerospace Engineering
- e-learning-Polymer Engineering
- e-learning-Physical Education
- E-learning-mechanical-1
- e-learning-E.E.E
- e-learning-Computer Applications
- e-learning-Civil Engineering
- e-learnig-Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- Dr.S.S.M.Abdul Majeed-Polymer
- Dr.S.I.Mohideen Abdul Kadir-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr.R.Karunanithi-Aerospace
- Dr.R.Karunanithi
- dr.arab-Law
- Dr. Y.Ismail-Pharmacy
- Dr. X.Arputha Rathina-cse
- Dr. Vimalkumar-Life Science
- Dr. Vijaya Kumar V-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr. Venkatesan Selvam-cse
- Dr. Venkatalakshmi Ranganathan-pharmacy
- Dr. Vasanthi Padmanabhan-civil
- Dr. V.Shenbaga priya-Computer-Applications
- Dr. V.Prasanna-cse
- Dr. V.Prasanna-Computer-Applications
- Dr. V.Pramila-eee
- Dr. V.MuthuPriya-cse
- Dr. V.Muhammed Ashiq-economics
- Dr. V.J.Sowmya-Computer-Applications
- Dr. V. Sowmya Lakshmi-Pharmacy
- Dr. V. Muralidharan-mechanical
- Dr. V. Jean Shilpa-ece
- Dr. U.Venkateswara Prasad
- Dr. U. Ubaidulla-Pharmacy
- Dr. Tuhin Subhra Dash
- Dr. Takhellambam Rocky Devi-managementstudies
- Dr. T.Selvakumar
- Dr. T.R.Ramesh Rao-Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- Dr. T.Porkodi-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr. T.Kamalesh
- Dr. T. Harinarayana-AUTOMOBILE
- Dr. Syed Siddiqua Begum-Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- Dr. Syed Mohsin Ashfaquddin-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr. Syed Mohammad Adil Zaidi-english
- Dr. Syed Azamussan-Law
- Dr. Sweta Ravindran-english
- Dr. Swapan Kumar Das-Chemistry
- Dr. Surya Rajan B-mechanical
- Dr. Sundar M S-Public Policy
- Dr. Sri Nithya Mahottamananda-Aerospace
- Dr. Soumen Bera-Life Science
- Dr. Sindhu J.Kumaar-Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- Dr. Sibghatullah Nasir-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr. Sheeza Khan-Life Science
- Dr. Shazia Jamal-Life Science
- Dr. Sharmila Sankar-cse
- Dr. Shanmugam Munuswamy-managementstudies
- Dr. Shahbaz Afzal-IT
- Dr. Serajul Haque-mechanical
- Dr. S.Vijayakumar-english
- Dr. S.Vidya-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr. S.Uma
- Dr. S.Syed Abdul Syed-cse
- Dr. S.Syed Abdul Syed-cse
- Dr. S.Srinivasan-Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- Dr. S.Sharon Priya-cse
- Dr. S.Shamshath Begum-Polymer
- Dr. S.Shahar Banu-Computer-Applications
- Dr. S.Selvakumar
- Dr. S.Sathik Basha-Physics
- Dr. S.Saravanan-managementstudies
- Dr. S.Sakthivel-english
- Dr. S.Revathi-cse
- Dr. S.Priya
- Dr. S.Poornima-english
- Dr. S.Panboli-managementstudies
- Dr. S.Pakkir Mohideen-cse
- Dr. S.Pakkir Mohideen-Computer-Applications
- Dr. S.P.Valli-cse
- Dr. S.M. Shaheedha-Pharmacy
- Dr. S.L.Sobiya-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr. S.Kutti Rani-Chemistry
- Dr. S.Kalaivani-ece
- Dr. S.K.G.Ganesh-managementstudies
- Dr. S.Jennathu Beevi-eee
- Dr. S.Hussaini Irfan-english
- Dr. S.Hemalatha-Life Science
- Dr. S.ChrisFelshia
- Dr. S.Chandran
- Dr. S.Bhagavathy-Chemistry
- Dr. S.Arun kumar-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr. S.Aravindhan
- Dr. S. Syed Rafiammal-ece
- Dr. S. Rasool Mohideen-mechanical
- Dr. S. Prema-Pharmacy
- Dr. S. Mohamed Illyas-mechanical
- Dr. S. Kaja Mohideen-ece
- Dr. S. Jeavudeen-mechanical
- Dr. S. Elamathi
- Dr. S M Wasiullah
- Dr. Ritu Gangil-managementstudies
- Dr. Revathi Purushothaman-Polymer
- Dr. Revathi Purushothaman-Polymer
- Dr. Ravi Kumar-mechanical
- Dr. Rathika Meganathan-economics
- Dr. Rafiya Banu Syed-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr. Rafik Rajjak Shaikh-Chemistry
- Dr. Radhika. R-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr. R.Zahira-eee
- Dr. R.Sonia-cse
- Dr. R.Sonia-Computer-Applications
- Dr. R.Shenbagam-Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- Dr. R.Shanthi-Computer-Applications
- Dr. R.Sabin Begum-Computer-Applications
- Dr. R.Rizwana
- Dr. R.Purushothaman
- Dr. R.Priya-managementstudies
- Dr. R.Prakash-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr. R.Prakash-Pharmacy
- Dr. R.Mary Angelin-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr. R.Indirajith-Physics
- Dr. R.Hannah Lalitha-eee
- Dr. R.Durga Devi
- Dr. R.Amiruddin-Physics
- Dr. R.A.M. Jainaf Nachiya-Pharmacy
- Dr. R. Jayashree-eee
- Dr. R. Jaganath
- Dr. Priya V.S.-civil
- Dr. Prasanna S-managementstudies
- Dr. Prasanna S
- Dr. Pervaiz Iqbal-Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- Dr. Perumalraja R-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr. Peer Mohamed Ziyath S-cse
- Dr. Peer Mohamed Ziyath S-Computer-Applications
- Dr. Parnasree Chakraborty-ece
- Dr. P.T.Perumal-Chemistry
- Dr. P.Sheik Abdul Khader-Computer-Applications
- Dr. P.S.Sheik Uduman-Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- Dr. P.R.Hemavathy-eie
- Dr. P.Neethikumar-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr. P.N.Kadiresh-Aerospace
- Dr. P.K.Jawahar-ece
- Dr. P.Gajalakshmi-civil
- Dr. P.Elangovan
- dr. p.devi-sociology
- Dr. P.D. Jeyakumar-AUTOMOBILE
- Dr. P.Chandra Babu Naidu
- Dr. P.Ashok Kumar-Life Science
- Dr. P.Arathi-Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- Dr. P.Amudhavalli-cse
- Dr. P.Amudhavalli-Computer-Applications
- Dr. P. Rathna-english
- Dr. P. Latchoumy-IT
- Dr. P. Gnanasekaran-IT
- Dr. Noushad C-sociology
- Dr. Noor Aman Ahrar Mundari-Chemistry
- Dr. Noble K Kurian
- Dr. Nisha Khanam-civil
- Dr. Neesar Ahmed-Life Science
- Dr. Nazneen M.Y.-Law
- Dr. Naseer Hussain-Life Science
- Dr. Nabeena Ameen-IT
- Dr. N.Vasimalai-Chemistry
- Dr. N.Sabiyath Fatima-cse
- Dr. N.Raja Hussain-managementstudies
- Dr. N.Prakash-IT
- Dr. N.Indumathi-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr. N.I.Haroon Rashid-Aerospace
- Dr. N.Hajara Beevi-Chemistry
- Dr. N.Ayyanathan-Computer-Applications
- Dr. N. Vijayakumar-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr. N. Sirajudeen-mechanical
- Dr. N. Rajendran-IT
- Dr. N. Raja-Pharmacy
- Dr. N Sheik Hameed-english
- Dr. Mohsin Khan-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr. Mohd Shahanbaj Khan-Life Science
- Dr. Mohamed Ismail-ece
- Dr. Md. Sahidul Islam-english
- Dr. Md. Javeed Ahamed-mechanical
- Dr. Md Oqail Ahmad-Computer-Applications
- Dr. Md Khurshid Alam Khan-Life Science
- Dr. Mahadev Ota-Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- Dr. Madumathi Gunasekaran-civil
- Dr. M.Vanmathi-ece
- Dr. M.Vajjiravel-Chemistry
- Dr. M.V. Jeyanthi-Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- Dr. M.Syed Masood-Computer-Applications
- Dr. M.Syed Masood
- Dr. M.Sandhya-cse
- Dr. M.S.Murshitha Shajahan-eie
- Dr. M.S. Haji Sheik Mohammed-civil
- Dr. M.P.Srinivasan-Law
- Dr. M.Murali-economics
- Dr. M.Munir Ahamed Rabbani-IT
- Dr. M.Munir Ahamed Rabbani
- Dr. M.Mohammed Thaha-cse
- Dr. M.Mohamed Sheik Sirajuddeen-Physics
- Dr. M.Lakshmipriya
- Dr. M.Hazeen Fathima
- Dr. M.Basheer Ahamed-Physics
- Dr. M.Asha Jhonsi-Chemistry
- Dr. M. Vijayajayanthi-Physics
- Dr. M. Vijaya Vara Prasad-Pharmacy
- Dr. M. Thirumurugan-mechanical
- Dr. M. Pervaz Ahamed-mechanical
- Dr. M. K. Sangeetha-Life Science
- Dr. M. Abdur Rahman-mechanical
- Dr. M. A. Sai Balaji-mechanical
- Dr. Latha Tamilselvan-IT
- Dr. L.Arun Raj-cse
- Dr. L. Joshua Daniel Egan
- Dr. L H Thameemul Ansari-Pharmacy
- Dr. Krupa B Nair-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr. Kogila N-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr. Khalid Waheed-Arabic and Islamic Studies
- Dr. Karthikeyan Ramalingam-Life Science
- Dr. Kabeer M-IT
- Dr. K.Yogeswari-civil
- Dr. K.Vinisha Rani
- Dr. K.Srinivasan-managementstudies
- Dr. K.Soundarapandiyan
- Dr. K.Shobana
- Dr. K.Shafeeque Ahmed-eee
- Dr. K.Sarmila Har Beagam-eee
- Dr. K.R. Shanmuga Vadivu-eee
- Dr. K.Karthikeyan-Chemistry
- Dr. K.Javubar Sathick-Computer-Applications
- Dr. K.Indra Gandhi-ece
- Dr. K. Sathickbasha-mechanical
- Dr. K. Hannah Catherine-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr. Jyotismita Mishra-eee
- Dr. Joyce Devakirubai-english
- Dr. Joseph Mary Rahila-managementstudies
- Dr. Jean Cletus
- Dr. Jasmine Annajothi Jacob
- Dr. Jain Jacob M
- Dr. J.Susai Mary-eie
- Dr. J.Sivasankari
- Dr. J.Shahitha Parveen-Polymer
- Dr. J.Revathy-civil
- Dr. J.Jeyapriya-cse
- Dr. J.Herbert Mabel-Chemistry
- Dr. J.Hemalatha-managementstudies
- Dr. J.H.Jaseema Yasmin
- Dr. J. Mahashar Ali-mechanical
- Dr. Irfan Navabshan-Pharmacy
- Dr. Indira Krishnamoorthy-Public Policy
- Dr. Indira Krishnamoorthy
- Dr. I.Sathik Ali-IT
- Dr. I.Raja Mohamed-Physics
- Dr. I.Parvin Begum-Computer-Applications
- Dr. I.Karthiga
- Dr. I.B.Shameem Banu-Physics
- Dr. I. Faridha Begum-Life Science
- Dr. Humaira Fatima-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr. Hassan Shareef K-Law
- Dr. Hassan Shareef K-Law
- Dr. Haja Nazeer Ahamed-Pharmacy
- Dr. Haider Yasmeen-managementstudies
- Dr. H.Moideen Batcha-managementstudies
- Dr. H.Kareemullah-eie
- Dr. H.Asharafunisha-english
- Dr. H.Asharafunisha-english
- Dr. H. Sofia-english
- Dr. H. Siddhi Jailani-mechanical
- Dr. H. Siddhi Jailani
- Dr. Gino Sophia S.G.-cse
- Dr. G.V.Vijayaraghavan-Physics
- Dr. G.Stella
- Dr. G.Shree Devi-Computer-Applications
- Dr. G.Kavitha-IT
- Dr. G.Anitha-eie
- Dr. G. Sumathi
- Dr. G. Rajesh-mechanical
- Dr. G. Kannan-ece
- Dr. G. Kalyanaraman
- Dr. F.Abubecker
- Dr. E.Syed Mohamed-cse
- Dr. E.Priyanka-Law
- Dr. E.Manogar-Computer-Applications
- Dr. E.A.K.Nivethaa
- Dr. Divya M-mathmatics
- Dr. Deepika-Computer-Applications
- Dr. D.Najumnissa Jamal-eie
- Dr. D.Jose Prakash-Pharmacy
- Dr. D.Easwaramoorthy-Chemistry
- Dr. D.Asokk-managementstudies
- Dr. D. Sivasankaran
- Dr. D. MubarakAli-Life Science
- Dr. Chandrika Srinivas-managementstudies
- Dr. C.Srinivasan-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr. C.Simon Durairaj-Life Science
- Dr. C.Senthil Selvi-Computer-Applications
- Dr. C.Saravanan
- Dr. C.K. Arvinda Pandian-AUTOMOBILE
- Dr. C.Hema-cse
- Dr. C.Dineshkumar-AUTOMOBILE
- Dr. C.D.Nandakumar-Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- Dr. C.Chockalingam
- Dr. C. Tharini-ece
- Dr. Bhuvaneswari S-managementstudies
- Dr. Belwin J. Brearley-eee
- Dr. B.Ziavuddeen-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr. B.Dhanalakshmi-cse
- Dr. B. Vijayalakshmi-ece
- Dr. Ayub Khan Dawood-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr. Anugragha S S
- Dr. Al. Akilandeshwari-Pharmacy
- Dr. Aisha Banu W.-cse
- Dr. Abudhahir .A-eie
- Dr. Abraham Konda-Law
- Dr. Aamir Majeed Parray-Law
- Dr. A.Sulochana-english
- Dr. A.Shajahan-Chemistry
- Dr. A.Sagaya Suganya-Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- Dr. A.S. Selvakumar-mechanical
- Dr. A.Nusrath Unissa
- Dr. A.Manshath-Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- Dr. A.K.Ashfauk Ahamed-Computer-Applications
- Dr. A.K. Reshmy-Computer-Applications
- Dr. A.Jaya-Computer-Applications
- Dr. A.Jahir Husain-Computer-Applications
- Dr. A.Harikumar-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr. A.Haja Alaudeen-Computer-Applications
- Dr. A.Fathima-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr. A.Bernick Raj-Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- Dr. A.Baskaran-Life Science
- Dr. A.Alif Siddiqua Begum-cse
- Dr. A.Akilbasha-Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- Dr. A.Abdul Azeez Khan-Computer-Applications
- Dr. A. Ramachandran-cse
- Dr. A. Muthu Manokar-mechanical
- Dr. A. K. Kaliluthin-civil
- Dr. A. Arockia Julias-mechanical
- dr-revathi-purushothaman-chemistry
- Dr Y. Mohamed Shuaib-eee
- Dr S.M.Satheesh-Aerospace
- Dr Mohammad Waseem-Life Science
- Dr Mohamed Divan Masood M-cse
- Dr Mohamed Divan Masood M-Computer-Applications
- Dr Mohamed Bak Kamaludeen-mechanical
- Dr K. Shakeela-Chemistry
- Dr D.R.Rajendran-mechanical
- Dr Afzalur Rahman-Social Sciences and Humanities
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- dept.relation-Arabic and Islamic Studies
- dept.club-E.C.E
- dept. relation-Aerospace Engineering
- dept-relation-cse
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- Department Relations-mechanical-1
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- B.Tech. Adjunct faculty
- B.Tech programmes
- B.Sc. Biotechnology Intl Eligibility
- B.Kannadasan-civil
- B.Des. – Intl Eligibility
- B.Des.
- B.Com. Professional Accounting Intl Eligibility
- B.Com. Professional Accounting
- B.Com. (Hons.) Intl eligibility
- B.Com. (Hons.)
- B.A. Public Policy
- B.A. English
- B. Sivashanmugavalli-ece
- B. Sc. Computer Science Eligibility
- B. Sc. Biotechnology Eligibility
- B. Com. General- Intl Eligibility
- B. Com. Accounts & Finance eligibility nri
- B. Com. Accounts & Finance eligibility intl
- B. Com. Accounts & Finance Eligibility
- B Tech programmes
- B Com Accounts Finance
- Awareness Programmes
- Awards & Certificates
- avionic
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- Automobile Engineering
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- Arabic & Islamic Studies
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- Approval Letters
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- alumniae
- alumniaboutus
- Alumni2
- alumni1
- alumni-Feedback
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- alumni-E.C.E
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- alumni-Civil Engineering
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- Alumni Webinars
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- Affordable and Clean energy
- Affordable and Clean energy
- Affordable and Clean energy
- Aerospace Engineering
- Aerospace Engineering
- Admissions
- admission-E.I.E
- admission-cse
- admission-Automobile Engineering
- Admission to Ph.D.
- Admission Enquiry
- Admission Brochure-Public Policy
- Admission Brochure-english
- Admission Brochure-Commerce
- admision-Social Sciences and Humanities
- admision-Polymer Engineering
- admision-Physics
- admision-Pharmacy
- admision-Mechanical Department
- admision-Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- admision-Management Studies
- admision-Life Science
- admision-Law
- admision-IT
- admision-E.E.E
- admision-E.C.E
- admision-Computer Applications
- admision-Civil Engineering
- admision-Chemistry
- admision-Aerospace Engineering
- Administration
- Administration
- Adjunct faculty – SLS
- Additional Information on Research
- Activities
- Action Taken Reports 1-12 (2014-2020)
- achivment-E.C.E
- achivements-PLACEMENT
- achievements-E.I.E
- Accredited with “A” GRADE by NAAC
- Accreditation & Ranking
- Accreditation & Ranking
- Accreditation & Ranking
- Accreditation & Ranking
- accolades-Polymer
- accolades-Physics
- accolades-Physical Education
- accolades-Pharmacy
- Accolades-mechanical-1
- accolades-Mathematics
- accolades-IT
- Accolades-english
- accolades-E.E.E
- accolades-cse
- accolades-Computer-Applications
- accolades-Chemistry
- accolades-Automobile
- accolades-Arabic and Islamic Studies
- accolades-Aerospace Engineering
- Accolades
- accolades
- accolades
- Accolades
- Academics
- academic-council-Academics
- academic new
- Academic Audit Forms
- about-us-academics
- about-phd
- About Us-Sponsored Projects & Consultancy
- About Us
- About us
- About us
- About our Institution
- About FTA
- Abirami P-eee
- A.Mursalin-Law
- A. Snegaa
- A. Ramesh Kumar-ece
- A. Radhika-cse
- A. Priya-ece
- 45th indian-news
- 2022
- 2020
- 10th Convocation Ceremony
- #22568 (no title)
- #29953 (no title)
- #33271 (no title)
Department of Physics
The Department of Physics caters to the needs of Science, Engineering and Technology programs. It imparts knowledge in Applied Physics, Materials Science, Basics of Electronics circuits & devices and Engineering applications. Further, it offers the P.G. course M.Sc in Physics from the academic year 2014-15. It also offers the Doctoral research (Ph.D.) program.
- To provide the students with basic knowledge in theory and help acquire the skills in laboratory practice useful to them in the subsequent years.
- To ensure better quality of education by continuous monitoring, review of performance and counseling students.
- To supplement the academic input of students by organizing seminars, conferences and guest lectures.
- To improve the quality of the faculty members through upgradation of qualification, participation in/ conduction of seminars, workshops and publication of research papers and books.
- To provide the state-of-the-art research facilities and offer opportunities for higher education in Science, Engineering and Technology by research and development and consultancy.
VISION of the Department
To be a leader in providing quality higher education through well designed programs and undertake research in Physical Sciences and related interdisciplinary areas.
MISSION of the Department
- To provide quality education in the field of Physical Sciences through well designed programs.
- To provide necessary knowledge in Physical Sciences required for all programs in science and engineering.
- To offer quality programs in advanced and applied physical sciences.
- To undertake fundamental, applied and interdisciplinary research in emerging areas.
Educational Background
Programme | Discipline | Year of Passing | University |
M.E | CAD CAM | 2011 | Anna University, Chennai |
B. E | Mechanical Engineering | 1996 | Madurai-Kamaraj |
Work Experience
Designation | Institution | Duration | No. of Years |
Assistant Professor | B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute | August, 2016 to till date | Till date |
Assistant Professor | Vi institute of technology | May, 2011 to July, 2016 | 5 years & 3 months |
Lecture Courses
- Engineering Graphics
- BasicEngineering Mechanics
- Machine Component Design
- Statistical and Quality Control
- Total Quality Management
Area of Research Interest
- Supply Chain Management
- Quality Management
- Optimization, Multi criteria decision making
- Agile Manufacturing Systems
Research Publications
International Journal / National Journal/International Conferences / National Conferences/Seminars / Workshops Journals
- G. Rajesh, P. Malliga, “Supplier Selection Based on AHP QFD Methodology”, Procedia Engineering, Vol. 64, pp. 1283 – 1292, 2013.
- G. Rajesh, P. Malliga, “Selection of Suppliers Using SWARA and COPRAS-G”, in Proc. of International conference on technological advancement in material and manufacturing for industrial environment (TAMMIE 2016), pp.120, 2016.
- G. Rajesh, P. Malliga, “Application of Quality Management Practices in Supplier Selection”, in Proc. of International Conference on Materials, Design and Manufacturing process (ICMDM 2016), pp.664-668, 2016.
- G. Rajesh, P. Malliga, “A Review on Supplier Selection Process”, in Proc. of International Conference on Advances in Industrial Engineering Applications (ICAIEA 2014), pp.163, 2014.
- G. Rajesh, P. Malliga, “Vendor Selection Using Fuzzy Inference System”, in Proc. of International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Advanced Manufacturing Research (ICCIAMR), 2013.
- G Rajesh, C Elanchezhian, “Multi Criteria Decision Making using AHP”, in Proc. of International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mathematics and Computer Applications, 2010.