Arabic & Islamic Studies
School of Arabic and Islamic Studies

The school was established in 2009 with the vision of promoting faith and value based education by combining religious education and modern science. It was the dream of the founder Dr.B.S.Abdur Rahman to promote a set of younger generation equipped with both the revealed and scientific knowledge. By Establishment of this school, his dream became true.
The school offers UG, PG and Ph.D. programmes in Arabic and Islamic studies, aiming at bringing the Islamic studies into main streamline of modern education combining the revealed knowledge and modern science.
The school aims to promote graduates who would be capable of addressing modern issues and guiding the younger generation of society and humanity at large towards right path.
Unique features of the school:
- Combination of faith based education and modern education
- The moderate thought and balanced approach in spiritual and religious knowledge
- Combination of Arabic and English languages

The school looks forward to be a leader in Arabic and Islamic Studies to promote graduates, capable of bringing about positive change for the betterment of self, family, society and humanity based on moderate approach of revealed knowledge and modern science.
The School is committed:
- To empower the younger generation through quality education in both revealed and contemporary knowledge
- To promote leadership quality and overall personality to face global challenges
- To develop logical and creative thinking through research
- To provide excellent ambience for language and soft skill development